Friendica Support reshared this.
My instance appears to have a problem - the first load of the network page takes so long that I've had to increase the timeout for php-fpm in my nginx config, or else get 504 errors.
It seems like later attempts to load the page are a bit faster, but I expect my users will have given up waiting long ago.
I've seen that others have had similar issues in the past, and there seems to be no solution.
iotop shows that even AFTER my profile page has loaded, a further 545MB of disk reads due to mysql goes on.
I'd noticed this sort of extreme disk activity going on before, albeit not as bad.
Is this a scalability issue in friendica? or is my node under attack?
utzer [Friendica] likes this.
utzer [Friendica] reshared this.
Networking gear questions
Hi all!
I need to sort out our home network...
I'm going to use a small SBC running debian as the router, possibly an orangepi.
I'm trying to find a nice managed switch and some APs and cameras. I don't want to run a ton of power leads around, so POE support is a must. 16 ports would do, more is nice. A couple of SFP ports would be nice too.
I'd prefer to run OSS firmware on everything, and Im willing to spend *some* money on getting that.
So I need
* a managed switch with VLAN capability, POE, 16-24 ports
* 2-3x APs that can handle VLANs and run on POE. WiFi6 would be nice but 5 will do.
* Cameras - perhaps one PTZ, and couple of fixed position.
If a router with open firmware *plus* all of the switch requirements exists, that would be an option too (esp. if it can run a proper Linux, eg. Debian). Incoming connection is PPPoE on Gigabit. Such a router should be capable of handling up to a gigabit on WAN (for when that comes down in price).
Any ideas? Better solutions?
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Kacey and Jade Angrboða like this.
I am running VyOS (the community version) for routing and like it generally. I have no idea if an ARM version of it exists though.
I would probably recommend Ubiquiti for APs but they are not open source. Likewise perhaps Mikrotik or Ubiquiti for switching (for that, I run used Arista & Cisco enterprise atuff), but none of that is open source either (and the enterprise stuff is loud and power hungry). I am not aware if any good open source switching but I could be unaware of stuff.
Jade Angrboða likes this.
Jade Angrboða likes this.
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Ian Molton reshared this.
Guide to understanding outage reporting by big tech companies:
May experience X: You *will* experience X, but only if you use the service.
Some users: Any user that tries to use our product. Users who don't use it won't know.
Degraded: Doesn't work
Impaired: Doesn't work
Quality issues: Doesn't work
High latency: Doesn't work
Packet loss: Doesn't work
X% of users experienced X: Only X% of users use our service within a given time span.
Stable: We used new duct tape.
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Ian Molton reshared this.
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Matthew, jenifer daniels ♎ :verified:, anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Beata and Ian Molton reshared this.
Ian Molton reshared this.
‘At least 500’ dead after Edit: <strike>Israeli</strike> airstrike on Gaza hospital
More than 1,000 children have reportedly been killed in 11 days of airstrikes on Gaza – one child every 15 minutes – with children making up a third of total fatalities in Gaza.
This is not war. This is slaughter. This is barbarism. Nothing justifies this.
And yet the West watches—cheers with blood lust, even—as Israel commits genocide.
Save the Children calls for a ceasefire in Gaza as casualties soar and water runs out
More than 1,000 children have reportedly been killed in 11 days of airstrikes on Gaza, with children making up a third of total fatalities.Save The Children
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Howard Lane and Ian Molton reshared this.
this pretty much guarantees the next generation of Hamas sympathizers within the Palestinian population.
I just don't get it, what Israel's government tries to achieve with this strategy besides more conflicts and terror for the foreseeable future.
IDF will say that hospitals are bunkers for's an old debate for the main hospital in Gaza.
War or terrorism, it's a trap for civilians on both side, and war crimes are always for losers ☹️ (except in vietnam)
What is enough?
A thousand dead children is clearly not. Two eyes for an eye is clearly not. Is three enough? Four? Five? All?
What is enough?
they have clearly stated all is the goal.
Which is odd as if someone so much as calls them names they scream genocide.
It's wrong to kill children wholesale as is happening in Gaza, or retail--3 here, 15 there, 22 in another place, day after day--as we kill them in the USA. In 2021 we averaged 13 kid gun deaths per day in this country. * PER DAY. PER FUCKING DAY. We shrug; we let it continue. It seems there is no enough.
The State of America's Children 2023 - Gun Violence — Children's Defense Fund
The State of America's Children® 2023 Gun Violence Gun violence remains the number one cause of death for children ages 1-19 at a rate of almost 5 in every 100,000.Children's Defense Fund
Aral Balkan reshared this.
Israeli minister on Gaza: ‘Losing land is price Arabs understand’
Newly appointed minister in Israel’s emergency cabinet says ‘losing land is the price Arabs understand’.Al Jazeera
Only people accusing you & others are fucking zionists bent on power & who don't care how many ppl die.
I will say - those folks are evil & they might as well sleep with terrorists because they ignored terror upon Palestinians for DECADES.
Not all of us bought into Israel propaganda shit.
It is really obvious now; who bought it & who took the free trips on Israel(USA funded) trips though.
I respect my Jewish friends who refused the free trips & tried to challenge Israel govt.
, "Between February 24 and March 21, 2022, sixty-four medical facilities and their personnel were targeted by Russian forces in Ukraine, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported. The facilities were being hit at rate of two to three a day, inflicting 15 deaths and 37 injuries. By April 8, 2022, WHO had confirmed 91 attacks."
Where is the outrage at Ruzzias ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians? Note that this WHO report is only for the first month of Ruzzias invasion.
@jclonningdal Are you serious? It’s everywhere. And rightfully so. Do you live under a rock?
Please take your whataboutism elsewhere.
Ian Molton likes this.
Thanks for sharing this. Bloodlust is a good word for this situation and I find that terrifying. People want revenge, not solutions, and the Israeli government is going to use that desire as justification to kill as many people as they can.
500 dead in a hospital and people still try to argue that this is just about “fighting Hamas.”
Ian Molton likes this.
Now "more than 800"
🔴Más de 800 muertos en un bombardeo israelí a un hospital de Gaza▶️“La matanza en el Hospital Al-Ahli no tiene precedentes en nuestra historia”, ha declarado el portavoz de la Defensa Civil Palestina, Mahmoud Basal.
▶️El presidente de la OMS ha condenado el bombardeo.
Más de 800 muertos en un bombardeo israelí a un hospital de Gaza
“La matanza en el Hospital Al-Ahli no tiene precedentes en nuestra historia”, ha declarado el portavoz de la Defensa Civil Palestina, Mahmoud Basal. El presidente de la OMS ha condenado el
Why isn’t bombing a civilian hospital a war crime?
Both RUSSIA and ISRAEL … 😡
At least 300 dead in Gaza hospital bombing, local authorities say
An Israeli air strike killed at least 300 people at a Gaza City hospital on Tuesday, authorities in the Palestinian enclave said, and the United Nations said an Israeli strike also hit one of its schools being used as a shelter.Nidal Al-Mughrabi (Reuters)
Looking back at earlier Israeli reprisals, ten dead Palestinians for each Israeli fatality is common.
It has absolutely nothing to do with justice.
Aral Balkan reshared this.
both sides are pointing at the other saying "They Did It"
Who the fuck cares. JUST STOP IT!
Content warning: war
@pch Both sides are in survival mode now and feeling like a minority under threat - reminds me a bit of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
And every person killed will beget even more hatred.
On a side note, I just started watching this documentary series:
After the first episode, if you want to point fingers, I'd say it's us Christians started the problem during our first Crusade.
A History of Antisemitism - History | ARTE in English
Has a hatred of jews always been present in our societies? From anti-Judaism to modern anti-Semitism, this documentary series explores the multiple facets of the phenomenon, from its origins to the present day.ARTE
@pch The Irish Times is the newspaper of record in Ireland. Every newspaper got it wrong.
Edited original post now and also see
The Irish Times has updated its headline to “Hundreds dead after Gaza hospital strike as conflict continues to escalate” as Israel denies it was responsible for that particular strike, blaming a failed rocket launch from Gaza.This is madness. And I fear it’s only going to get worse. And my heart breaks at the senseless loss of life and human suffering.
Also see: Hananya Naftali, media advisor to Netanyahu, first posted it was an Israeli strike on X, then deleted his post and posted about a “mysterious explosion” an hour later.
His latest post:
Aral Balkan reshared this.
The Irish Times has updated its headline to “Hundreds dead after Gaza hospital strike as conflict continues to escalate” as Israel denies it was responsible for that particular strike, blaming a failed rocket launch from Gaza.
This is madness. And I fear it’s only going to get worse. And my heart breaks at the senseless loss of life and human suffering.
TBF, the US infamously started "The War on Terror" and invaded a couple of countries in the process, so I don't see why they'd be against what's happening in Gaza. The west watched, did nothing, if not aided, back then, and it's watching and doing nothing now.
Unfortunately, the majority of people are like that. Arabs don't care about what's happening in Ukraine either. The west can get on the highest horse they find, but the truth is the majority of people just suck, western or not.
Early info suggests this may very well not have been an Israeli strike.
While there's plenty wrong with Israel's response. Now is a time when helping spread disinformation is especially unwise.
The Irish Times has updated its headline to “Hundreds dead after Gaza hospital strike as conflict continues to escalate” as Israel denies it was responsible for that particular strike, blaming a failed rocket launch from Gaza.This is madness. And I fear it’s only going to get worse. And my heart breaks at the senseless loss of life and human suffering.
I know you’re getting traction on this, but it should be edited. Israel denies EVER targeting a hospital and states Islamic Jihad was firing missiles into Israel when the hospital was hit. Those missiles reportedly have a 30% failure rate. 30%!
Claiming Israel is committing genocide is irresponsible, antisemitic, and leads to death. Be responsible
@Millicent Edited the post.
Claiming Israel is committing genocide when Israel is committing genocide and calling Palestinians “human animals” while murdering 1,000 children is not antisemitic. It is called being human and being appalled by the barbaric slaughter of human beings regardless of who is carrying out the slaughter. And you will not shame me into ignoring the humanity of the Palestinian people.
Now who the fuck am I supposed to vote for?
I've always hated Starmer, but this...
Stroud councillor quits Labour over Starmer’s Gaza comments councillor quits Labour over Starmer's Gaza comments
"The Labour Party is no longer consistent with the values of human dignity, equality and a world where everyone is safe", she said.Jack Peat (The London Economic)
Need a giggle? Whilst you read some political satire about our local town...
Please go here and vote for ANYTHING OTHER THAN "It needs to be changed, it used to be better before.". It'll really wind up the local nasties (Poll is linked near the top of the home page)
Pls boost #activism
If you are pro- Israel, or on a pro- Israel instance, can y'all let me know, so I can block your arses?
The amount of pro-Israel bullshit on here lately is grossly offensive.
Ian Molton reshared this.
▶ "I'm Here To Make Money And Sell Things": The Vibe of Labour Conference 2023
"I'm Here To Make Money And Sell Things": The Vibe of Labour Conference 2023
The Labour party loves to talk about "reforming" the NHS – but does it really mean something else? Rivkah Brown heads to party conference in Liverpool to inv...YouTube
Ian Molton reshared this.
Oh no, they didn't...
Ian Molton reshared this.
Cory Doctorow has some interesting takes on why using a copy left license and the Fediverse at the end of his DEF Con 31 talk. But you don't have to scroll to the end, the rest of the talk is nice to listen to as well 😉
#UlyssesPacts #FreeSoftware #Fediverse @Cory Doctorow
DEF CON 31 - An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Ensh*ttification - Cory Doctorow
The enshittification of the internet follows a predictable trajectory: first, platforms are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things b...YouTube
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Dobody, Dr. Eric J. Fielding, PhD, Fabian N. T. 🦆, Renan, Steffen Christensen, Sean Boots, The November Man 🇺🇲☸️🇺🇦🛰️, Arne Babenhauserheide, Davva, redj, Dr Cathryn Pearce, Chad Kohalyk, West Side Luigi's, Guillermo Fernandez, EricKHoward, Jure Repinc :linux: :kde:, Tomas Johansson, P J Evans, Evan Prodromou, Joe Breuer, jotbe, LUGOS 🐧 🇸🇮, Charley Lucas, The Ill-Tempered Synthesizer, Misha Van Mollusq 🏳️⚧️ ♀, katherine montalto, Eric_Trouve, Edan Osborne :flag_nonbinary:, 🌲🧿 "Max"t💽d🏵️n 🔎🍄, Tio, Ian Molton, Laura J Mixon, Quondam Bifurcator, Mx_EddyNikko, Fisher, Jiko, Djembro and Steven Roose like this.
Ian Molton reshared this.
Ian Molton reshared this.
Hamas militants entered Israeli territory in the early hours of this morning, appearing to take control of multiple communities in southern Israel. Fighting is still ongoing in areas of southern Israel.
“We are at war and we will win it,” Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video address to the country.
Israel ‘at war’, says Netanyahu, as fighter jets target Gaza after surprise Palestinian attack – live
Comments from Israel’s PM come after Palestinian militant group launches massive aerial and ground surprise attack from the Gaza StripAdam Fulton (The Guardian)
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Josh Susser, jenifer daniels ♎ :verified:, Nigel Purchase and Ian Molton reshared this.
the overlap between those people and the people who trust Elon’s brain chip that has killed test subjects will never not baffle me.
Truly some dumb motherfuckers.
Pesky Romulans
Escape from the rabbit hole: the conspiracy theorist who abandoned his dangerous beliefs
For 15 years, Brent Lee spent hours each day consuming ‘truther’ content online. Then he logged off. Can he convince his former friends to question their worldview?Amelia Gentleman (The Guardian)
Oct. 4 FEMA Alert Test Sparks 5G Anti-Vaxx Conspiracy Theories
The latest paranoia to grip online fringe communities is about FEMA supposedly sending harmful 5G signals to your phoneMiles Klee (Rolling Stone)
Well, Jim Beam me down, Scotchy!
I thought we were summoning hot alien chicks, with their mating tone!
No joke, this entire conspiracy theory is literally the plot to Star Trek Picard Season 3:
The Changelings infiltrate The Federation to modify the transporters to inject modified genetic code (The Vaccine), and then once it's activated by a signal from the Borg Queen (5G), all Federation personnel turn into subservient zombies.
Honestly, I'm a little shocked at how lazy the conspiracy theorists are becoming. 😂
Whew, that was close. Fortunately, I'm still on 4G!
One more reason not to upgrade.
Conspiracy theories are all a figment of their overactive imagination. Those cranks might want to do something constructive and make a killing writing fiction.
It's simply right wingers everywhere pretending to embrace post-modern ideas of the relative truth of each person while spouting crap they know is complete bollocks and defending the free speech rights of their donors and colleagues to spout even stinkier shit.
Great way to distract from the wealthy fleecing the poor.
I'm listening to The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists while typing this. My deja vu is at eleventy.
MP Miriam Cates questioned over Tory colleagues' conspiracy-ridden language in speeches
Emily challenges the Conservative MP over speeches made at the Tory Party Conference. These include the Transport Minister, among others, who repeated a fals...YouTube
I assume these 5g conspiracy nuts are unaware that the 5G frequency varies a lot between countries.
In the UK they occupy frequencies that were used by broadcast TV. They weren't dangerous for the many decades that they were broadcast all over the country. Probably the same in many other countries.

"using 5G technology" 🤔
That's a way down the "rabbit hole" narrative. They must not understand biology or technology to believe that.
Or am l one of the government conspirators?
No, I'm not!
Or am l?
No, I'm not!
Or could l be?
FFS, why don't they learn about biology & technology? Perhaps they think the science of biology & virology are conspiracies? 🤔
Oh no! Everything is a conspiracy & nothing is real.
Or is it?
Ian Molton reshared this.
#OnThisDay, 4 Oct 1936, women join the Battle of Cable Street, in London's East End, protesting against a fascist march through the area. Of the 79 people arrested, eight are women, including Blanche Edwards (pictured).
Hat tip to the East End Women's Museum for this one!
#WomenInHistory #Histodons #BritishHistory #AntiFascism
Women at the Battle of Cable Street
Today is the 80th anniversary of the 'Battle of Cable Street', one of the East End's proudest moments.Sarah Jackson (East End Women's Museum)
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Ian Molton and Tarnport reshared this.
Ian Molton reshared this.
Great piece from @marisakabas
Elon Musk crosses the border to Nazi
He's blown past blatant antisemitism and is now aligning with Jew-hating, right wing Germans. What else would you call that?Marisa Kabas (The Handbasket)
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Kacey, Ian Molton and Frank Frank reshared this.
Ian Molton likes this.
Taking you question literally, we have bought into a weird conception of property, such that property rights are fundamental. That distorts everything.
We need to get back to thinking that property ownership is just a permission to use something in certain ways. Limited and dependent.
Aral Balkan reshared this.
Aral Balkan reshared this.
It’s American as apple pie and segregation..
Unverified. The meme claims pumpkins are good to feed to wildlife.
I am not an expert on this.
hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1 reshared this.
here's a source. I particularly like the Snack-o-Lantern by the way 🎃 🐦⬛
How to Recycle Halloween Pumpkins for Wildlife • The National Wildlife Federation Blog
Updated October 2021 One of the best parts of Halloween is decorating with pumpkins. After the trick-or-treaters clear away and Halloween is officially over, don’t toss your pumpkins in the … Read moreDani Tinker (The National Wildlife Federation Blog)
hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1 likes this.
Matthew reshared this.
@Ian Molton @anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖 Well, i can't imagine pumpkins to be bad for (most of) the wildlife.
When it's safe natural food for humans, it will most possibly be safe natural food for (most) animals too. ;)
If it really has additional helpful effects ..... is that still necessary here?
Ian Molton likes this.
Ian Molton
— (Cheshire, UK)I'm always a bit wary of this sort of thing.
Well meaning people have ruined a local pond because they (innocently enough) keep introducing invasive species.
Take with a pinch of salt. Talk to local animal centre.
Ian Molton reshared this.
Scientists drop antimatter to see if it falls
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Ian Molton reshared this.
Ian Molton reshared this.
Content warning: PSA for health tracking apps of any kind:
If you have any influence for any fitness app or accessories (watches etc), you don't only need an Athlete Mode , you also need some form of disability mode.
We want to be able to track our health, without being asked to Go further, all the time, without the "whohooo you did 10k steps today, keep going" when we shouldn't take more than 2k/ day. Etc etc
(feel free to leave examples if you're reading this)
Let us turn off any kind of gamification, turn off anything asking us to go further, any ui that's telling us after 1 week that we're gaining or losing weight.
Whoever is able to provide this first? Will get a huge new market share because we'll fucking recommend the shit out of your app!
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Ian Molton and Panda | 판다 reshared this.
Ian Molton reshared this.
Talking to a friend who’s in the hospital and had a sign on their door requesting masking, for their safety. Most staff only wore paper masks, if that. (Doctors were worst at masking at all.)
Yesterday friend had a bit of a sore throat, and was immediately COVID tested and now the door sign is “heightened COVID risk” and everyone is wearing N95s on entering.
They’ve decided to have a sore throat until discharge, since apparently the only way to be protected is to pose a risk to the staff.
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Joelle, alastair87 and Ian Molton reshared this.
Ian Molton reshared this.
There Are Now Tests That Can Detect If Someone Took Abortion Pills
The chilling development comes out of Poland, where prosecutors have already used the tests to investigate pregnancy outcomes.Susan Rinkunas (Jezebel)
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Joelle, Ian Molton and ImmedicableME reshared this.
The Giver?
Fuck the people who push this crap.
If half as much effort was put into curing cancer compared to upsetting unfortunate women, it'd be a thing of the past already.
HunterNP likes this.
These boats ain't cheap. If you can afford one, you can afford a clean stove.
Walking past our local marina is like walking into one of those Victorian era photos full of chimneys and smoke.
Ban on wood burners threatens British boat-dwellers with winter freeze
A new law allows British councils to impose on-the-spot fines for emitting smokeTom Wall (The Guardian)
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Ian Molton reshared this.
First Google Search Result for Tiananmen Square “Tank Man” Is AI Generated Selfie
"Tank man" has become something of a litmus test for shitty technology.Emanuel Maiberg (404 Media)
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Ian Molton reshared this.
"There are no 'old souls', just people who never got to be children."
I don't remember who said this but it's stuck in my head ever since I heard it.
So many people have told me things like "you are so mature and independent for your age" over the years.
Yeah, because I had to deal with "adult" shit like worrying about my safety ever since primary school. That'll do it.
And no, it doesn't feel like a compliment because I know too well what I paid for all that "independence".
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Captain Janegay 🫖 and Ian Molton reshared this.
My history has made me very sensitive for *any* sign of parents using their children. Whether that is using them as props in an instagram-mommy career or as mouthpieces in an activism movement or expecting them to make a real contribution to household tasks or using them as friends when you are lonely.
It is not your children's job to solve _your_ problems. And when your kids say 'it is okay, we WANT to help' that is not real, but them trying to make you feel good.
Ian Molton likes this.
I feel this, too. I was "complemented" as a kid for being so grown up and communicating so well with adults.
Why was that? Was it because I just had good communication skills? Or was it because I didn't have any friends and adults were the only people who would talk to me?
There are many reasons why I grieve for the little girl who never got to be. Only some of that is because everyone thought she was a boy. But also, she was forced to be a "man" at age 12 or 14 because her dad wanted clones of himself, not healthy, independent children.
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Content warning: Grief, in a strange way
Ian Molton likes this.
Content warning: re: Grief, in a strange way
I really didn't expect this would resonate with so many people (and also get me harassment for some reason? Some people are just that fucked up I guess.)
I've heard several stories today from people who have a similar experience, some for similar reasons other for entirely different ones. And I'm glad I could give some of them the words to describe what they feel. That's really the best outcome of writing about these things for me and why I do it, because I know I would have needed someone to tell me the very same things like 20+ years ago.
Content warning: re: Grief, in a strange way
I got that shit too. Got parentified from early age, trying to do a balancing act of looking after my younger siblings and trying not to land in hot water with my parents when I couldn't contain what had happened.
and all the older ladies just circle-jerked about how 'mature you are for your age'. Well the fuck you expected, when a 10 year old is literally on hook for younger siblings' food, clothing and education, plus keeping them out of parents' way.
that did a number to my personality, some call me childish these days but it was like the world had been lifted off my shoulders when I got out of that. it took a long time for me to experience video games and basically a lot of other 'kid stuff'.
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Ian Molton reshared this.
Communities Against the Injustice of Data Centers
“I think grassroots mobilization is incredibly important,” data center expert, Steven Gonzalez Monserrate tells me.Gerry McGovern
Howard Lane reshared this.
apparently because of hardware refresh cycles and because by design data centers are planned to last between ~5 and ~20 years.
at least that's one of the top reasons you will read when searching for "average data center life"
i found one article recommending to refresh hardware in a data center every 3 (THREE) years. absolutely mind boggling.
I see. The frame of the building and walls are fine for decades, but due to technological progress the wiring, cooling systems and other hardware needs to be replaced. It is cheaper to tear everything down and rebuild anew with the recent efficient technology than to retrofit it in an old building.
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Adam Hunt, Sam Smith, Andrea Borgia, Whuffo, Emmanuel Florac and Erik Uden 🍑 like this.
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Ian Molton reshared this.
These tiny creatures are losing their battle to survive.
The Rufous hummingbird lost two-thirds of its population since 1970, according to the 2022 State of the Birds report.
These tiny creatures are one of 70 bird species on the “Tipping Point” list that will lose another fifty percent of their populations in the same time frame if conservation doesn’t improve.
#Birds #Hummingbird #Colonization #HabitatLoss #ExtinctionEvents
Ian Molton reshared this.
It's down to 62% 10 stars...
Only 22% one star ratings though.
We only need a couple of hundred more ratings.
This toxic garbage was only released (by a county councillor!) last year.
Hi all!I'm asking people to go and review Cllr Mandy Clare (CWAC) IMDb page.
Someone has already updated the links to this toxic and dangerous public figure's "home page" on there and on Wikipedia, but it would be nice if we can cancel out the hundreds of positive reviews of the hate documentary "Adult Human Female" on IMDB ( )
Have fun and please reshare!
#transactivism #transrights #activism #terfwar #terfwatch
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Ian Molton reshared this.
Hi all!
I'm asking people to go and review Cllr Mandy Clare (CWAC) IMDb page.
Someone has already updated the links to this toxic and dangerous public figure's "home page" on there and on Wikipedia, but it would be nice if we can cancel out the hundreds of positive reviews of the hate documentary "Adult Human Female" on IMDB ( )
Have fun and please reshare!
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Kacey, Ian Molton, Matthew and Joseph Riparian 🏳️⚧️ reshared this.
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Locally controlled buses return to Manchester after 37 years
Locally controlled buses return to Manchester after 37 years
Greater Manchester's mayor Andy Burnham hails the "coming-of-age moment" for English devolution.BBC News
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Ian Molton reshared this.
In March of 2023 a family-friendly drag show in Wadsworth OH was threatened by anti-LGBT protesters including Proud Boys, Patriot Front, and Neo-Nazis. Show organizers asked for volunteers to help protect the show and its attendees. Leif was one of many people from Central Ohio who answered this call for volunteers. On the day of the show, attendees and supporters were outnumbered nearly 2-1 by anti-LBGT demonstrators from all over Ohio. While escorting families out of the event, Leif was assaulted by anti-LGBT protesters who hit him in the head with a megaphone. Police stood by and allowed this to happen. Leif feared for his life and the lives of the people he escorted - including children and a person with a service animal - and he took swift action to end the attack. FOR THIS JUSTIFIED ACT OF DEFENSE HE IS BEING CHARGED WITH THREE COUNTS OF ASSAULT!
Do trans people have the same self-defense rights as everyone else? The law throughout the whole US allows a person to use force in defense of human life. Ohio is a ‘stand your ground’ state. This means a person has no “duty to retreat” and may use force in self-defense or defense of others, if they feel their life is in danger. The police and the state of Ohio have chosen to prosecute a trans man with criminal charges instead of the transphobes who assaulted him. Weare going to fight back using any and all legal means necessary.
We need YOU to help us fight to the finish! Here’s what you can do:
Donate at
Good legal representation costs good money! Every donation, big or small, will help us take this case to trial and fight to the finish.
Share these graphics and the Spotfund link to help boost our reach!
Pack the court on October 11, 1:15pm, at Wadsworth Municipal Court!
Click here to support Leif Autzen's story *JusticeForLeifInWadsworth
*spotfund is the easiest place to create beautiful and free online fundraisers. It takes just minutes to start raising money today.Spotfund
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America 2023.
Jessica Burgess, a #Nebraska mother accused of helping her teenage daughter use pills to end her pregnancy, was sentenced on Friday to two years in prison.
Burgess and her daughter, Celeste Burgess, stand accused of working together to end Celeste Burgess’s pregnancy in April 2022. #abortion #WomensRights #WomensReproductiveRights
US mother sentenced to two years in prison for giving daughter abortion pills
Jessica Burgess pleaded guilty in July to providing an abortion after 20 weeks and tampering with human remainsCarter Sherman (The Guardian)
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Ian Molton
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Sean Riley
•Make sure you block those activity pub trolls, they will grind you to a halt.
Also if this is a new instance give it time to settle down. Friendica does alot of work in the first week or two to build out its understanding of other hosts, their accounts etc.
Increasing the workers is also helpful. And run it as a daemon.
I found a that shutting down mariadb each evening for backups and then restarting helped as well.
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Ian Molton
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Ian Molton
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Sean Riley
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Ian Molton
•Yeah, I blocked that one ages ago.
Is it really the only one? Seems unlikely.
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•@Sean Riley @Ian Molton
I have these domains in my server block list since my instance was under attack from *
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Sean Riley
•That looks pretty good, how many jobs are in the worker queue? How is CPU utilization? Memory usage?
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Ian Molton
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Sean Riley
•Your list of 4 troll exclusions
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Ian Molton
•I already had the .cf one
none of them were the issue in this instance though.
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jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
•> Your list of 4 troll exclusions
* me
* myself
* my first secondary account
* my second secondary account
@spyro @crazy2bike
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Michael Vogel
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Ian Molton
•I think the workers were pushing the machine into swap when large qeries are caused by the frontend (I've now seen a query over 600MiB)
There is no way the system can handle >1 user if its going to cause 600MiB of disk reads every time they access the site!
Either something is wrong, or there is an incredibly inefficient query running somewhere, or a query is being run over an unexpectedly huge data set - but I have no way to know.
Whatever it is, it's crippling the machine - it seems to cripple it gradally enough that it doesnt immediately OOM (sounds long-query-ish to me), and it doesnt prevent more workers running - the machine is being killed by multiple threads seemingly eating ram whilst being "blocked" by a large running query.
Eventually the machine gets so bogged down that it can't serve anything. I can still log in (just - last time it had a load average of >30), and if I kill / restart mariadb, it will carry on, but it seems to be living right on the wire - a good push will cause it to start losing the battle and bog down again.
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Michael Vogel
•I like to go for an analytic approach. First please let us trace the requests. There we can quickly distinguish if the delays are possibly caused by a lack of available /Apache/Nginx/PHP connections or if the database is the bottleneck.
Depending on the result, we then can change some parameters.
Ian Molton
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•@Ian Molton
I had this problem too. But even banning those spam domains and cleaning the database from their entries didn't have the effect that my server worked fine again.
The load stayed high and the responsing time was bad.
So I'm sure that in my case the change to another server with dumping and restoring the datebase was part of the problem.
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Michael Vogel
•Please have got a look at the requests, that your system receives. Switch the log level to "debug" and then run that command:
tail -f friendica.log | grep -a Request.*'"runFrontend"'
(Of course you have to change it to the name of your log file)With that command you will see incoming requests. "Request received" tells you, that the request just arrived, and both "Request processed sucessfully" and "Request processed with exception" tells you, that the processing is done. BTW: Don't be confused by that "with exception", if the response code is in the 200 range, then everything is fine.
With these log entries you will see, if there are delays before the processing starts or during the processing. Depending on that, we should see, what to do then.
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Ian Molton
•There is a LOT of activity when I do that - I can't really tell whats going on.
I can see that most things seem to be getting 200 responses, but there can be long pauses.
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Michael Vogel
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Ian Molton
Is there a set of tools? is there a debugging guide?
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Michael Vogel
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Ian Molton
•Michael... please remember...
I ***dont know what I'm looking at*** here.
I don't know how friendica works internally.
things like... "What is a Gserver? Why is it updating? Whats the difference between updating gserver*s* or in the singular?
What is Delivery? Why is there APDelivery?
What do all the things in the queue *MEAN*?
I can add a "grep network" to the suggestion you made earlier, but it //tells me nothing//.
Currently, My instance is responsive enough to the "home" button, bt the network page is still causing 504 errors.
This *reeks* of runaway query, but I dont have any idea where to start looking for it.
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Michael Vogel
•tail -f friendica.log | grep -a Request.*"GET /network".*'"runFrontend"'
This will show you all the network requests. You will see the first entry, once the system received the request. When you don't receive an entry there (or only sometimes), then please consult your apache/nginx configuration and increase the number of possible connections or possible php processes.
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Michael Vogel
•tail -f friendica.log | grep -a 'Request processed sucessfully'.*'"runFrontend"'
There you can see the successful frontend requests and their performance (in the field "duration"). Perform some frontend requests on the network page and see if the duration is high (multiple seconds) or not.
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Ian Molton
•Trying this, I see nothing a the start of the request, and ~20 *seconds* later, I see the following.
I can't see any "duration" field.
2023-11-12T15:12:15Z app [DEBUG]: Request processed sucessfully {"response":200,"address":"","request":"GET /network HTTP/2.0","referer":"","user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0"} - {"file":"App.php","line":718,"function":"runFrontend","request-id":"a6f17cc40134fbcb0a68ccd553c15016","uid":"750f76","process_id":1224165}
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Ian Molton
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•@Ian Molton
I had such problems after migating to another server with dumping and restoring the datebase.
Server load up to 14 with 8 cores, long loadinig times of the pages, no reload of the timeline with apps like Fedilab or Tusky.
At the end, I made a fresh installation at the new server and now everything is smooth.
Server load of < 1, quick responses, renew of the timeline in apps.
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Ian Molton
•Yeah, but I've got like 30 users - periodically deleting the system and reinstalling it is not an option.
Frankly, if there is an O(N^2) or worse algorithm in play, then this is only going to happen again.
The culprit is looking like low memory - not something I thought would be a problem on a machine with 4GiB of RAM, with little else to do...
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Ian Molton
I've not done much - I've increased the php-fpm timeout in nginx so that some of the longer requests complete, bt this is looking like a database issue.
The VPS i'm running friendica on is essentially idle otherwise, has 4GiB RAM and two decent CPU cores.
Requests into the server aren't taking up much of its time, bmon shows ~4-15PPS a burst or two of 50-300PPS every 60 seconds or so. Peak bandwidth is about 2MB/s typical is more like 10-100K/s
Last night, mariadb crashed - I had increased the size of innodb_buffer_pool_size from 2 to 16G (yes, I know this is > RAM+SWAP). I reduced it down to 4 again, and it's seemingly ploughed through the worker queue as of this morning, but the whole site is still VERY slow.
Right now, from an adminn point of view, I see the biggest problem in friendica is that there is literally ZERO ability to introspect its behaviour.
I can look at the "worker queue", but there is no way to know what any of that means short of dismantling the code, which I dont have time to do.
I can't search the worker queue for issues in any meaningful way, and even if I could there is no mechanism to inspect / suspend / pause / cancel entries in the worker queue.
If I could suspend the entire queue, and selectively "gate through" certain entries, it'd be enormously helpful.
Lastly - of the "known" threats out there like activitypub-troll, is there a list of workarounds or a blocklist? HOW can we identify these malicious sites and keep our instances safe?
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Ian Molton
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•@Ian Molton
As a reference point:
For testing I installed friendica on a shared webspace with 1 gb ram and 16 customers per core as single user instance.
It worked, but it was not perfect for a permanently productive instance.
Now my instance (until now no other users) is on an vps with 8 cores and 12 gb ram with a load < 1.
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Ian Molton
•was that including the database? 1GB RAM? how many users?
I couldnt get friendica to stay online in that scenario - the database (mariadb) just ate all the RAM.
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•@Ian Molton
Yes. As described it was a first single user instance for testing if I really change from mastodon to friendica. It worked, but it wasn't performant.
I think that my problems at the new server came from problems with the database that began at the shared webspace.
I dumped and restored the database there for testing the recovery scenario and the virtual view-tables couldn't be restored. I installed them by using the friendica cli and then used that database furthermore. And I dumped that database again to migrate to the new vps.
Beside the problems from friendica being under attack at the new server, I think the database once not restored properly was the reason I had to reinstall friendica from scratch 🤷♂️
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Sean Riley
•I wouldn’t run it on a shared server. While possible I found resource requirements high to have a performant instance.
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Ian Molton
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Ian Molton
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•Or it didn't load at all when I tried it.
This is the resource usage for Firefish if you want to compare (Meilisearch is not necessary, it's for the full text search and I should probably switch to the much lighter weight Sonic):
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Ian Molton
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Ian Molton
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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺
•Have you seen the following issue on Github?
There are two separate problems described there. But If you are not running an old version of MariaDB (<10.6) you might have the same problem I experienced. I solved it by increasing the innodb_buffer_pool_size to 16 GB, original description here:
@Ian Molton
Very slow after the latest 2023.05 update · Issue #13373 · friendica/friendica
GitHubFriendica Support reshared this.
Ian Molton
•Hi, this was the reason I tried increasing innodb_buffer_pool_size to 16GB...
Whats the cause of this (colossal!!!) increase in memory usage / requirements?
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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺
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Ian Molton
•I'm not lucky enough to have any way to try.
I can say that increasing it from 2G to 4G (still less than the 8G default in debian) made a substantial difference.
I *cannot believe* that a minimum requirement for a database of this type is over 8GB.
That's insane. I wrote production systems using mysql in 1998, back when 8GiB RAM was a total fantasy, that ran large scale SMS <-> Email gateways, and my machine could saturate 100MBit ethernet.
it had a 266MHz PII and 128MiB RAM, running FreeBSD IIRC.
What the actual?
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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺
•I'm with you on "what the actual...."
But is innodb_buffer_pool_size really in RAM? Because my server only has 8GB of physical RAM and it still works "good enough" for my single user instance - while having the innodb_buffer_pool_size set to 16GB.
@Ian Molton
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Ian Molton
•I don't know. But 2GB is not enough, and 8+GB seem to be too much...
The actual database is far larger anyway (41G) but the machine is 64 bit, so mapping that in (virtual) memory is a non-issue.
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Ian Molton
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Ian Molton
•Just tested after midnight for the first time - 680MiB of mysql reads caused by opening /profile/spyro
That seems like ... a lot?
Ian Molton
I'm still experiencing extreme slow page loading.
I restarted mysql when it stopped working (again), and after it restarted, loading the home page used well over 1GiB of RAM (I watched the RSS in top as the queries executed).
At this level of resource consumption, my instance can scale to maybe 2 simultaneous users.
This is clearly insane.
Can anyone actually help, or is this just going to be another case of the problem going unfixed?
If so, has anyone got experience migrating their timeline from friendica to something that doesn't require a datacentre to support more than one concurrent user?