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Friendica Support reshared this.

@Friendica Support

My instance appears to have a problem - the first load of the network page takes so long that I've had to increase the timeout for php-fpm in my nginx config, or else get 504 errors.

It seems like later attempts to load the page are a bit faster, but I expect my users will have given up waiting long ago.

I've seen that others have had similar issues in the past, and there seems to be no solution.

iotop shows that even AFTER my profile page has loaded, a further 545MB of disk reads due to mysql goes on.

I'd noticed this sort of extreme disk activity going on before, albeit not as bad.

Is this a scalability issue in friendica? or is my node under attack?


utzer [Friendica] reshared this.

Friendica Support reshared this.

Just tested after midnight for the first time - 680MiB of mysql reads caused by opening /profile/spyro

That seems like ... a lot?

I'm still experiencing extreme slow page loading.

I restarted mysql when it stopped working (again), and after it restarted, loading the home page used well over 1GiB of RAM (I watched the RSS in top as the queries executed).

At this level of resource consumption, my instance can scale to maybe 2 simultaneous users.

This is clearly insane.

Can anyone actually help, or is this just going to be another case of the problem going unfixed?

If so, has anyone got experience migrating their timeline from friendica to something that doesn't require a datacentre to support more than one concurrent user?

Networking gear questions


Hi all!

I need to sort out our home network...

I'm going to use a small SBC running debian as the router, possibly an orangepi.

I'm trying to find a nice managed switch and some APs and cameras. I don't want to run a ton of power leads around, so POE support is a must. 16 ports would do, more is nice. A couple of SFP ports would be nice too.

I'd prefer to run OSS firmware on everything, and Im willing to spend *some* money on getting that.

So I need

* a managed switch with VLAN capability, POE, 16-24 ports
* 2-3x APs that can handle VLANs and run on POE. WiFi6 would be nice but 5 will do.
* Cameras - perhaps one PTZ, and couple of fixed position.

If a router with open firmware *plus* all of the switch requirements exists, that would be an option too (esp. if it can run a proper Linux, eg. Debian). Incoming connection is PPPoE on Gigabit. Such a router should be capable of handling up to a gigabit on WAN (for when that comes down in price).

Any ideas? Better solutions?

I blame Broadcom.
I blame them for a few things

Ian Molton reshared this.

The laziest minimum wage worker is working harder per dollar than the hardest working billionaire.

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Ian Molton reshared this.

Guide to understanding outage reporting by big tech companies:

May experience X: You *will* experience X, but only if you use the service.

Some users: Any user that tries to use our product. Users who don't use it won't know.

Degraded: Doesn't work

Impaired: Doesn't work

Quality issues: Doesn't work

High latency: Doesn't work

Packet loss: Doesn't work

X% of users experienced X: Only X% of users use our service within a given time span.

Stable: We used new duct tape.

Ian Molton reshared this.

other than the situations where one region is down or similar
"Region X down" just means "the region you use." :)

Ian Molton reshared this.

‘At least 500’ dead after Edit: <strike>Israeli</strike> airstrike on Gaza hospital

More than 1,000 children have reportedly been killed in 11 days of airstrikes on Gaza – one child every 15 minutes – with children making up a third of total fatalities in Gaza.

This is not war. This is slaughter. This is barbarism. Nothing justifies this.

And yet the West watches—cheers with blood lust, even—as Israel commits genocide.

#israel #gaza #genocide

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Why believe Israel either?
@spyro Sure. Let's wait for independent analysts to verify the evidence Israel has presented.

Now who the fuck am I supposed to vote for?

I've always hated Starmer, but this...

Stroud councillor quits Labour over Starmer’s Gaza comments

Need a giggle? Whilst you read some political satire about our local town...

Please go here and vote for ANYTHING OTHER THAN "It needs to be changed, it used to be better before.". It'll really wind up the local nasties :-) (Poll is linked near the top of the home page)

Pls boost #activism



If you are pro- Israel, or on a pro- Israel instance, can y'all let me know, so I can block your arses?

The amount of pro-Israel bullshit on here lately is grossly offensive.


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Ian Molton reshared this.

▶ "I'm Here To Make Money And Sell Things": The Vibe of Labour Conference 2023


Ian Molton reshared this.

Ian Molton reshared this.

Cory Doctorow has some interesting takes on why using a copy left license and the Fediverse at the end of his DEF Con 31 talk. But you don't have to scroll to the end, the rest of the talk is nice to listen to as well 😉

#UlyssesPacts #FreeSoftware #Fediverse @Cory Doctorow

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this entire talk is so great

Ian Molton reshared this.


Hamas militants entered Israeli territory in the early hours of this morning, appearing to take control of multiple communities in southern Israel. Fighting is still ongoing in areas of southern Israel.

“We are at war and we will win it,” Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video address to the country.

#war #israel #palestine

Ian Molton reshared this.

Ian Molton reshared this.

God tier exhibition title right here

Ian Molton reshared this.

Dr Seuss, just went hogwild from time to time.

Ian Molton reshared this.

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Ian Molton reshared this.

6 October 1921 | A French Jew, Pierre Halphen, was born in Nancy.

In April 1944 he was deported from Drancy to Auschwitz. He did not survive.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #Memorial #Remember #memory #otd #facts #Drancy #France

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Ian Molton reshared this.

I’m seeing a lot of people share conspiracies about how the government is going to activate some vaccine virus using 5G technology today. If you are posting this nonsense, please stop and seek help. You are deep in some weird, dark place, and you don’t even know it. (Also, it’s not the U.S. government, it’s the Romulans, and it’s not 5G, it’s transporter technology. Please get your conspiracies straight.)

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Nice. Taking out these dark archons before they can cast mind control and be swept away in a shuttle.
Whoops! You misspelled Russians.

Ian Molton reshared this.

#OnThisDay, 4 Oct 1936, women join the Battle of Cable Street, in London's East End, protesting against a fascist march through the area. Of the 79 people arrested, eight are women, including Blanche Edwards (pictured).

Hat tip to the East End Women's Museum for this one!

#WomenInHistory #Histodons #BritishHistory #AntiFascism

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Ian Molton reshared this.

Ian Molton reshared this.

Ian Molton reshared this.

“Pull up, Mike, pull up! You’re coming in way too fast! Christ, I don’t think he’s gonna make it. Clear the runway! Clear the runway!”

Ian Molton reshared this.

Ian Molton reshared this.

Elon Musk is a Nazi. Pass it on.
Great piece from @marisakabas

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How is this man and his social network, car company, space rocket company, and satellite internet company still considered socially acceptable? How is it that these enterprises aren’t being nationalised as we speak? How have we built a system that franchises a handful of billionaire psychopaths at the expense of everyone else?

Taking you question literally, we have bought into a weird conception of property, such that property rights are fundamental. That distorts everything.

We need to get back to thinking that property ownership is just a permission to use something in certain ways. Limited and dependent.

Aral Balkan reshared this.

@aral FWIW one of the best books for showing how weird it is is *The Book of Trespass* by Nick Hayes. Recommended for everyone's awakening and a great read.
@aral it's a rhetorical question at this point...

Aral Balkan reshared this.

It’s American as apple pie and segregation..

@alexwinter @marisakabas

@aral I don’t think nationalizing them is the right way to go but we definitely need to break up monopolies. The question is, how? The laws are not working as intended and with our SC it seems hopeless.

Unverified. The meme claims pumpkins are good to feed to wildlife.

I am not an expert on this.

@Ian Molton @anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖 Well, i can't imagine pumpkins to be bad for (most of) the wildlife.

When it's safe natural food for humans, it will most possibly be safe natural food for (most) animals too. ;)

If it really has additional helpful effects ..... is that still necessary here?

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Ian Molton  
 — (Cheshire, UK)

I'm always a bit wary of this sort of thing.

Well meaning people have ruined a local pond because they (innocently enough) keep introducing invasive species.

Take with a pinch of salt. Talk to local animal centre.

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Ian Molton reshared this.

Content warning: PSA for health tracking apps of any kind:

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Ian Molton reshared this.

Talking to a friend who’s in the hospital and had a sign on their door requesting masking, for their safety. Most staff only wore paper masks, if that. (Doctors were worst at masking at all.)

Yesterday friend had a bit of a sore throat, and was immediately COVID tested and now the door sign is “heightened COVID risk” and everyone is wearing N95s on entering.

They’ve decided to have a sore throat until discharge, since apparently the only way to be protected is to pose a risk to the staff.

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Ian Molton reshared this.

There is now a blood test that can detect if someone took #abortion medication mifepristone. It is already being used by police in Poland investigating pregnancy outcomes. It is NOT yet available in the US - but it is likely only a matter of time.

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The Giver?

Fuck the people who push this crap.

If half as much effort was put into curing cancer compared to upsetting unfortunate women, it'd be a thing of the past already.


These boats ain't cheap. If you can afford one, you can afford a clean stove.

Walking past our local marina is like walking into one of those Victorian era photos full of chimneys and smoke.

Ian Molton reshared this.

New: this is crazy. The top Google image search result for "tank man" right now is an AI-generated "selfie" of the man. Shows that as AI content becomes more and more widespread, the platforms we use to surface content don’t have a good way to identify it
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Ian Molton reshared this.

Ian Molton reshared this.

"There are no 'old souls', just people who never got to be children."

I don't remember who said this but it's stuck in my head ever since I heard it.

So many people have told me things like "you are so mature and independent for your age" over the years.

Yeah, because I had to deal with "adult" shit like worrying about my safety ever since primary school. That'll do it.

And no, it doesn't feel like a compliment because I know too well what I paid for all that "independence".

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Content warning: Grief, in a strange way

Content warning: re: Grief, in a strange way

Content warning: re: Grief, in a strange way

I got that shit too. Got parentified from early age, trying to do a balancing act of looking after my younger siblings and trying not to land in hot water with my parents when I couldn't contain what had happened.

and all the older ladies just circle-jerked about how 'mature you are for your age'. Well the fuck you expected, when a 10 year old is literally on hook for younger siblings' food, clothing and education, plus keeping them out of parents' way.

that did a number to my personality, some call me childish these days but it was like the world had been lifted off my shoulders when I got out of that. it took a long time for me to experience video games and basically a lot of other 'kid stuff'.

Ian Molton reshared this.

Nobody would ever want to live beside a data center. They are big ugly warehouses. They are very noisy. There are air pollution dangers. They take huge quantities of water and electricity. They bring very few jobs. “Just a dozen people, or two dozen people, run a facility that is consuming as much electricity as a small city,” Steven Gonzalez says. “A data center life is between five and twenty years. This is not a permanent industry. It is extractive, like mines.”

Howard Lane reshared this.

apparently because of hardware refresh cycles and because by design data centers are planned to last between ~5 and ~20 years.

at least that's one of the top reasons you will read when searching for "average data center life"

i found one article recommending to refresh hardware in a data center every 3 (THREE) years. absolutely mind boggling.

I see. The frame of the building and walls are fine for decades, but due to technological progress the wiring, cooling systems and other hardware needs to be replaced. It is cheaper to tear everything down and rebuild anew with the recent efficient technology than to retrofit it in an old building.

Ian Molton reshared this.

These tiny creatures are losing their battle to survive.

The Rufous hummingbird lost two-thirds of its population since 1970, according to the 2022 State of the Birds report.

These tiny creatures are one of 70 bird species on the “Tipping Point” list that will lose another fifty percent of their populations in the same time frame if conservation doesn’t improve.

#Birds #Hummingbird #Colonization #HabitatLoss #ExtinctionEvents

Ian Molton reshared this.

It's down to 62% 10 stars...
Only 22% one star ratings though.

We only need a couple of hundred more ratings.

This toxic garbage was only released (by a county councillor!) last year.

Hi all!

I'm asking people to go and review Cllr Mandy Clare (CWAC) IMDb page.

Someone has already updated the links to this toxic and dangerous public figure's "home page" on there and on Wikipedia, but it would be nice if we can cancel out the hundreds of positive reviews of the hate documentary "Adult Human Female" on IMDB ( )

Have fun and please reshare!

#transactivism #transrights #activism #terfwar #terfwatch

Ian Molton reshared this.

Hi all!

I'm asking people to go and review Cllr Mandy Clare (CWAC) IMDb page.

Someone has already updated the links to this toxic and dangerous public figure's "home page" on there and on Wikipedia, but it would be nice if we can cancel out the hundreds of positive reviews of the hate documentary "Adult Human Female" on IMDB ( )

Have fun and please reshare!

#transactivism #transrights #activism #terfwar #terfwatch

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I got the URL wrong before. This one should work

Ian Molton reshared this.

Locally controlled buses return to Manchester after 37 years

Ian Molton reshared this.

Ian Molton reshared this.

In March of 2023 a family-friendly drag show in Wadsworth OH was threatened by anti-LGBT protesters including Proud Boys, Patriot Front, and Neo-Nazis. Show organizers asked for volunteers to help protect the show and its attendees. Leif was one of many people from Central Ohio who answered this call for volunteers. On the day of the show, attendees and supporters were outnumbered nearly 2-1 by anti-LBGT demonstrators from all over Ohio. While escorting families out of the event, Leif was assaulted by anti-LGBT protesters who hit him in the head with a megaphone. Police stood by and allowed this to happen. Leif feared for his life and the lives of the people he escorted - including children and a person with a service animal - and he took swift action to end the attack. FOR THIS JUSTIFIED ACT OF DEFENSE HE IS BEING CHARGED WITH THREE COUNTS OF ASSAULT!

Do trans people have the same self-defense rights as everyone else? The law throughout the whole US allows a person to use force in defense of human life. Ohio is a ‘stand your ground’ state. This means a person has no “duty to retreat” and may use force in self-defense or defense of others, if they feel their life is in danger. The police and the state of Ohio have chosen to prosecute a trans man with criminal charges instead of the transphobes who assaulted him. Weare going to fight back using any and all legal means necessary.

We need YOU to help us fight to the finish! Here’s what you can do:

Donate at
Good legal representation costs good money! Every donation, big or small, will help us take this case to trial and fight to the finish.

Share these graphics and the Spotfund link to help boost our reach!

Pack the court on October 11, 1:15pm, at Wadsworth Municipal Court!

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America 2023.

Jessica Burgess, a #Nebraska mother accused of helping her teenage daughter use pills to end her pregnancy, was sentenced on Friday to two years in prison.

Burgess and her daughter, Celeste Burgess, stand accused of working together to end Celeste Burgess’s pregnancy in April 2022. #abortion #WomensRights #WomensReproductiveRights

Ian Molton reshared this.