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Kacey reshared this.

Happy Halloween 🎃

Here are the pumpkins I carved this year: An active red dwarf star and its gas giant planet. I call it an exo-pumpkin.

#pumpkin #JackOLantern #halloween #Astrodon #astronomy

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Astro Migration reshared this.

this chart changed my fucking life

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Astro Migration reshared this.

Watch these lectures by the two amazing men most responsible for LIGOS and the detection of gravitational waves, Rainer Weiss and Kip Thorn

Rainer Weiss - Public Lecture: Exploring the Universe with Gravitational Waves >>>

Kip Thorne - 2018 Reines Lecture: Exploring the Universe with Gravitational Waves >>>

What these two and their colleagues accomplished has fundamentally changed astronomy and our understanding of the universe.

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Kacey reshared this.

This little guy is clearly running illegal SQUIRREL software on CAT hardware, but I'm still sharing it for #caturday.

#cat #cats #catstodon #catsofmastodon #humor #humour #funny #squirrel

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Kacey reshared this.

Elon Musk is a Nazi. Pass it on.
Great piece from @marisakabas

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How is this man and his social network, car company, space rocket company, and satellite internet company still considered socially acceptable? How is it that these enterprises aren’t being nationalised as we speak? How have we built a system that franchises a handful of billionaire psychopaths at the expense of everyone else?

Taking you question literally, we have bought into a weird conception of property, such that property rights are fundamental. That distorts everything.

We need to get back to thinking that property ownership is just a permission to use something in certain ways. Limited and dependent.

Aral Balkan reshared this.

@aral FWIW one of the best books for showing how weird it is is *The Book of Trespass* by Nick Hayes. Recommended for everyone's awakening and a great read.
@aral it's a rhetorical question at this point...

Aral Balkan reshared this.

It’s American as apple pie and segregation..

@alexwinter @marisakabas

@aral I don’t think nationalizing them is the right way to go but we definitely need to break up monopolies. The question is, how? The laws are not working as intended and with our SC it seems hopeless.

Kacey reshared this.

At rest, the average body consumes 20% to 25% of the body's energy. That equates to 350 to 450 calories for the average person. The energy comes mainly from glucose.

#Autistic brains create 42% more information at rest.

This could equate to 497 to 639 calories just to power our resting brain, let alone when we're hyperfocused or overstimulated.

Gee, why do we all crave simple, quickly digested, glucose rich foods? Mystery.


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ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

@mobiuscog I have a bad relationship with food. Partly because body issues, partly because poverty, but big because there’s trauma associated with food prep and, importantly, NO-ONE TAUGHT ME.

You have no idea how many people I’ve had to have actual arguments with for them to stop telling me some variation of “everyone can cook” when I express frustration at how unhelpful their nutritional advice is because I lack cooking skills

ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

@mobiuscog thanks to a short stint as a kitchenhand, what I DO have is rudimentary knife skills…

*significant look*

Kacey reshared this.

ADHD is thinking about all the things you have to do, getting stressed about all the things, worrying about the consequences of not doing the things, but still feeling stuck and unable to do any of the things.

Kacey reshared this.

Kacey reshared this.

#Biden to join the picket line in #UAW #strike

His decision to stand alongside the striking workers represents perhaps the most significant display of #union solidarity ever by a sitting president. #UnionStrong 💪🏼

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Kacey reshared this.

What does disgust for disabled people look like in its purest, most densely crystallized form, like a black diamond of hatred spat out by one of the most twisted, hollowed-out, f*cked-up criminals in US history? Imagine supporting this man and calling yourself a "patriot," a "Christian," or even a "human being"?

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Reminds me of his "I like people who weren’t captured." comment regarding John McCain being considered a war hero. Man has no respect for veterans and their service to this nation at all and he's shown it in so many ways.
trump is shit on the soul of the American shoe.

Kacey reshared this.

It's ChatGPT Jesus!

Kacey reshared this.

This one is quite impressive:

Kacey reshared this.

Snerk! Don't forget to downvote if you visit...

Kacey reshared this.

Kacey reshared this.

Hi all!

I'm asking people to go and review Cllr Mandy Clare (CWAC) IMDb page.

Someone has already updated the links to this toxic and dangerous public figure's "home page" on there and on Wikipedia, but it would be nice if we can cancel out the hundreds of positive reviews of the hate documentary "Adult Human Female" on IMDB ( )

Have fun and please reshare!

#transactivism #transrights #activism #terfwar #terfwatch

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I got the URL wrong before. This one should work

Kacey reshared this.

Hi all.

I hope #transrights is the right tag for this. If not, please advise me on a better tag or tags.

I'm asking people to go and review Cllr Mandy Clare (CWAC) IMDb page.

Someone has already updated the links to this toxic and dangerous public figure's "home page" on there and on Wikipedia, but it would be nice if we can cancel out the hundreds of positive reviews of the hate documentary "Adult Human Female" on IMDB ( )

Have fun and please reshare!


Kacey reshared this.

Kacey reshared this.

You know you grew up in the 90s when if you have a little headache and your neck feels a bit sore, your first instinct is to look up, look down, look at a light and roll a glass up your arm.
Doing the "face, arms, speech, time" observations is my favourite piece of headache related hypochondria.

Kacey reshared this.

@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic.

Text messaging offers unique expressive avenue for those with #alexithymia

Interesting that 19% of the general population has alexithymia. In Autistics it's more like 50%

Kacey reshared this.

Kacey reshared this.

Once libraries are nonexistent any modern fascist movement wouldn't even have to burn books, but flick one switch and they'd be remotely deleted from your Amazon Kindle or similar digital “library”.

Capitalists are already building the infrastructure to do this through DRM, so stop believing tech is apolitical - the defunding of libraries and paywalling of information are all part of this. :trantifa:

Kacey reshared this.

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I say something similar: "Love the bigot, hate the bigotry."

Y'all. They Get So Mad.

Morning reshared this.

It seems to happen with religious people that even if you aren't directly interacting with them, they're offended by things shared that are about atheism but they'll still try to convert your. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.

@Kacey’s Meme Account

One Two Three Four!
I declare a meme war!
Do NOT neglect your #AltText!!

Kacey reshared this.

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Yep, I was going to say almost no one said they were gay either though some came out later. Schools encourage conformity, always have, so the fact that young people are being more open about this is quite something.
I came out at school (as bisexual as that was what I thought at the time). I was the first though...

Kacey reshared this.

People said we were being alarmist when we said extremist Christian nationalists would use the abortion laws to target women trying to escape Texas to receive an abortion.

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Is that actually obstructing interstate commerce? Not that SCOTUS necessarily would agree.

What the WTO calls “mode 4 of service provision, natural person moves abroad to receive the service”?

To all women in Texas, stop have intercourse, then they will reconsider or maybe then they even pass a law that make you unable to refuse...

Kacey reshared this.

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Kacey reshared this.

The people who own X are sentencing people to death based on their posts.

#x #twitter #musk #saudiArabia

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That said... I think $1.89bn is a pretty good deal of it means you can call musk "Chief Twit"...

Kacey reshared this.

"You can say 'all are welcome,' but if wolves and sheep are both welcome then you're only going to get wolves. The the smart sheep will go somewhere else and the naive sheep will be eaten and processed. [...] Refusing to choose is a choice. It's a choice in favor of the people who prey on others and who refuse to acknowledge the humanity of those they hate."

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Kacey reshared this.

If there's one piece of advice I want to give young geeks, it's not to use your actual name in any user accounts, email addresses, or websites. I mean, when you eventually transition, it's just a lot easier if you don't have to update all that shit.

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@miriamrobern I had a lot of crazy names. Kuthu, Crickat… any of them would have been better than my stupid FirstLast "look at me I'm a dude promise I do all the dude stuff and am actually a real dude!" name.
I switched to firstnamelastname for marketing reasons, and it so wasn't worth it even before transition. :(
Crickat rather suits you, tho! ;)

@miriamrobern I really miss Crickat. Fully girl persona online in the 90s. Total skater punk coder chic.

Wrote essays about cooperation instead of competition in print Linux magazines. Always tried to help grow the cooperative, if new, Linux dev community.

Then one day she got her ass handed to her by Linus and his henchmen for the horrible suggestion on the Linux Kernel group that we might consider some better documentation for how people can begin submitting code improvements and becoming part of the team. Just the most horrible things said about her.

Following that, she mysteriously disappeared. 😢​

@miriamrobern Hell, I even had professional branding done of FirstnameLastname, with a logo and everything. What the hell was I thinking?!
I recently found a box of my old business cards and I reacted with an instant disgust I usually reserve for a melon that had been left in the back of the fridge. "Why are these still here? Trash bin!"

@miriamrobern I used to think I'd be nostalgic for all that. "Oh, he helped me survive" and all that.

No… fucking rubbish bin. Burn it all down.

*cooks a marshmallow on the burning wreckage of her former life.

@miriamrobern I still have my first name last name domain and logo too.

And all my other socials are the same. And my art portfolio. And all credits...

@SummerKnight I mean, just redirects to now.

For better or worse, I've got enough credits in dead tree books that I'll always "need" a pointer for people trying to look me up.

It doesn't upset me very much, but the less I see my deadname the weirder it gets seeing it. I do really need to change my username on my mac, but that's a pain in the ass... :(

alastair87 reshared this.

Anyone I know that can help with this?


Hey, what can we do to publicise this local councillor, get them into the shit they deserve for this?

Have a look at the posts on her cllr page.

Shocking stuff :(

I think point her out to LGBTQIA+ magazines that are definitely onside. I would be very careful of where because I think you could actually get her more positive attention like Graham Linehan and Kate Forbes and it could hugely backfire.

Kacey reshared this.

"Help! Is that the police?"

"Yes, Sir. This is the police."

"Help! We're in the hands of a gang of ruthless criminals intent on utterly destroying us. They know no mercy and they've been torturing us for a long time now. We can't hold out much longer!"

"Keep calm, Sir. What is your current location and how many of you are involved?"

"We're in the UK and there are over sixty million of us."

Kacey reshared this.

Kacey reshared this.

I don't live there, but I can boost this...

If you’re in Los Angeles and you support LGBTQ+ people: put your money where your mouth is. We need serious numbers to oppose a fascist anti-LGBTQ+ rally at Los Angeles city hall from a far-right movement calling for the deaths of LGBTQ+ people.

Tuesday, August 22. Grand Park. 8:30 AM. Be there.

Kacey reshared this.

ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

#AltText Non-speaking does not mean non-thinking, non-hearing, non-understanding, or non feeling

Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.

ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

I've seen it happen with people who can't speak not being registered to vote as those supporting them don't seem to see it as important.

Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.

Kacey reshared this.

Today, you can choose not to drive a Tesla if you don’t want Elon Musk, Inc. knowing everywhere you go.

Tomorrow, you might have to limit where you live because you won’t live in a Google Home and reconsider having 20/20 vision again in exchange for the artificial lens company seeing everything you see.

Privacy is not something you can “vote with your wallet” on. We either protect it as a human right or we lose it altogether.

#privacy #humanRights #BigTech #peopleFarming #capitalism

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Kacey reshared this.

This xenophobic incompetent Tory Govt gets nastier by the day. They attempt to stir hatred & divide by questioning UK m'ship of ECHR, by demonising migrants, by using expletives against our friends. They marginalise UK, we are a pariah state. #RejoinEU

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Sadly, I am not surprised.

Kacey reshared this.

Why is this not happening in every European country, as an absolute minimum?

@spyro WHY NOT go down the all-out ban route? Rich people can afford to pay more- but the planet cannot!

#BanPrivateJets makes much much more impact on both #ClimateCrisis AND the #inequality crisis.

Really- WHY NOT just #banprivatejets??

Kacey reshared this.


The #SeismicBlasting proposal between Victoria and Tasmania impact #BlueWhale habitat and the #ZeehanMarinePark .
A joint venture between seismic survey companies #TGS and #SLB-Schlumberger is trying to get regulatory approval for seismic blasting over 55,000 sq km of our #oceans. Now is our chance to provide public comment that these plans should be refused to protect our oceans and #MarineLife.


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Whats the seismic for, oil exploration?

@Ecopolitidae Seismic testing is the first step in #oil and #gas exploration in our oceans.

Kacey reshared this.


#Idaho is doubling down on its goal of slaughtering most of the state's #wolves.

This spring, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to approve a plan that calls for reducing the wolf population, from more than 1300 to as few as 500.1

If Idaho succeeds, it'll be a heartbreaking slaughter of #GrayWolves across the state.

#EndTheWolfHunts #ProtectOurWildlife

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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@energiepirat I wish I could 😔 and I wish the public would know more about this!

Kacey reshared this.

This is a baby emu whose mob was broken up by several dingoes.

Kacey reshared this.

Also known as a "Zebra Duck"
No webbed feet so I disagree. Zebra Brolga I'd be okay with.

Kacey reshared this.

Previously unseen memo details Trump plot to subvert election results

Memo obtained by New York Times describes three-pronged plan to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s victory on 6 January 2020

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@captainfuzzyface He’s been indicted, so he’s going to trial. The judge in DC is not letting Trump play, so we’ll see.
I hope you're right, but money is a very good ally to have in court.