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Martin Bryant reshared this.

Why is this not happening in every European country, as an absolute minimum?

@spyro WHY NOT go down the all-out ban route? Rich people can afford to pay more- but the planet cannot!

#BanPrivateJets makes much much more impact on both #ClimateCrisis AND the #inequality crisis.

Really- WHY NOT just #banprivatejets??

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Remember that due to the lack of an algorithm that can bring older toots back, on Mastodon it's socially acceptable to boost your own toots from a while back so more people can see them.

I'd rather see something twice than risk not seeing it at all because I wasn't online when you first tooted it.

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Tis bath night. Half of this lemon will be joining me and I shall not leave these waters until I am like a bleached prune.

I've decided to watch all of the Mission Impossible movies. In order. I'm on number three now. All totally bloody ridiculous so far. Have film makers starting basing any of their stunts around the laws of physics yet, because they hadn't in these movies.

And whilst I'm ranting, does anyone watch adverts without having to turn the sound off? If you do, how do you manage it? #AdvertsAreAllLies

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Every time I'm on a train I fantasise that James Bond is on the roof and he's coming to kill the bastard sat near me who can't stop coughing.

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Martin Bryant reshared this.

In a field of 17 candidates, I came 8th. And for the second time in three years, I beat UKIP and Piers Corbyn in a democratic election. If that’s not a sign of hope, nothing is.

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Martin Bryant reshared this.

Been receiving a lot of A Certain Type Of Reply in recent days. If you want to go into someone's replies with advice, read this first and don't be insufferable

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Is there a database of medieval torture devices and lethal defense structures?

I'm thinking of spears, except they come from the ceiling in a rectangular shape and do the stabby on intruders when activated.

Its probably a modern invention but it has to have a name! How will I sleep now? 😫

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Martin Bryant reshared this.

me: I'm going to build a time machine

him: *eating the last donut* what you gonna use it for

me: *eating the last donut* righting wrongs

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Martin Bryant reshared this.

Linus, creator of Linux, being “woke” as heck. Win.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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I think he's probably more akin to a democratic socialist than a communist but the hyperbole whipped up about the left-wing is very distorting. He literally works for a not-for-profit organisation (the Linux Foundation) that develops technology that underpins lots of other things, including for-profit. That seems very democratic socialist to me and probably ought to be the political centre, not the far left.
The problem with capitalism is that if you're not 100% for it, then those that are, think you're 100% against it. These sorts of people are not very good with shades of grey.

Martin Bryant reshared this.

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Frendica on Android?

I currently use Fedilab for Mastodon and pixelfed but it didn't recognise the server when I try to sign in on that. However I see that Fedilab says that it supports the Friendica API, so I was hoping it would work.

Thoughts? Thanks. :-)

Indeed there is. Does this give us any hope that there is something we can do to fix this or are we in the hands of a bug tracking system and software devs? I know nothing about this API, but happy to do what I can to help resolve this.

We aren't running the dev version yet.

If it passes some testing I'll update the server to it.

Apparently the current version has Mastodon API support.

I'm learning more about the codebase over time. We will be able to make changes in future.
Cool. I'm a software dev by trade, but have become more of a business analyst over the last 10 years. So happy to help where I can. Probably can't help with any code, but should be able to with debug / test stuff. :-)