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RIP Donald Triplett (1933–2023), who at the age of 5 became the first person to be given the newly-conceived diagnosis of autism. In the writings of Dr. Leo Kanner, the child psychiatrist who came up with the diagnosis, Mr. Triplett is referred to as "Case 1."
Image description courtesy of Vero Algoz:
The photo shows a photo of a bald, white, male looking person, not really looking into the camera.the person wears a white shirt and suspenders, and the background seems like an autumn landscape of trees without leaves.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
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Vero Occam 🏳️🌈
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Nick G
Keep in mind that "suspenders" has a different meaning for many English-speaking folks.
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Marie, Meg, Lilly, She/They
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AlisonW ♿🏳️🌈♾️
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ScottinSoCal 🇺🇦 🕊 🏳🌈
•[shaking my head] It's like you people don't even know how to speak English.
These are braces:
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AlisonW ♿🏳️🌈♾️
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Nick G
Yes, those are ALSO braces.
And I absolutely refuse to follow up with a "these are suspenders" post 😁
@AlisonW @veroalgoz @kacey @actuallyautistic
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AlisonW ♿🏳️🌈♾️
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gri malkin
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ScottinSoCal 🇺🇦 🕊 🏳🌈
•And, of course, this is the only Fannie. Fannie Flagg.
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AlisonW ♿🏳️🌈♾️
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Christ van Willegen
•@ratcatcher @ScottSoCal @AlisonW @veroalgoz OK, so I had to look that up...
Same difference as "rubber", and the Dutch/Flemish version of "poepen".
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AlisonW ♿🏳️🌈♾️
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Vero Occam 🏳️🌈
•I think we should please remove the actuallyautistic tag from the language discussion, as it went completely off topic.
and while we are it, remove me, i am not interested in the language discussion.
Nick G
I thought Durex was adhesive tape in Oz.
@cvwillegen @ScottSoCal @veroalgoz @kacey
Christ van Willegen
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Vero Occam 🏳️🌈
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ScottinSoCal 🇺🇦 🕊 🏳🌈
•They can change it, embiggen it, and make it perfectly cromulent, as long as they use an Oxford comma. That's where I draw the line.
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Nick G
My red line is "it's" versus "its".
@veroalgoz @kacey @actuallyautistic
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Alastair Cooper
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Dark Sheep Arts
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AlisonW ♿🏳️🌈♾️
•Ah yes. A "router" ('route - er') is something that routes, but a "router" ('rowt - er') is a tool for woodworking.
Ymmv! 🙂
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AlisonW ♿🏳️🌈♾️
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