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People said we were being alarmist when we said extremist Christian nationalists would use the abortion laws to target women trying to escape Texas to receive an abortion.

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These are the kinds of people that make me a forced abortion advocate.
People thought Orwell was being alarmist when he wrote "1984"

Nigel Purchase reshared this.

How long before they start proposing to build a wall around the state and make the neighboring states pay for it?
@Blort Or requiring all drivers to stop at checkpoints, present their papers, and reasons for traveling out of state. Reasons which would have to be registered with the state in a beurocracy that would, by comparison, make the DMV seem easy to navigate.
@TechyDad @Blort I can imagine mandatory pregnancy tests at state border checkpoints and just a general prohibition of traveling out of state for pregnant women in the theocratic states
Do they not care about tourist dollars? I would rather not travel to areas that will harass me for just being an "out of stater".
What was originally built as a barrier to entry can just as quickly become a means of preventing exit, making those inside prisoners.
I can't see how this would be either enforceable or defensible.
Idaho made leaving the state for an abortion or aiding anyone a crime last April.
"Lock her up" referred to ALL women
If you value the lives of your children, get the fuck out of Texas.
blimps for β€˜bortions
Well, this seems like a pretty clear constitutionally protected freedom of movement violation. For a group of people so hell-bent on complaining about government over-reach, they sure are experts in how to keep over-reaching.

I guess no one there has bothered to read Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

This Supreme Court decision forbade states from enacting any legislation that would interfere with Congress's right to regulate commerce among the separate states.

American Taliban.
how can they even enforce this?
I must be really dumb, because I can't tell what I'm looking at here. A lot lined up along 87? I mean, one dark orange zone is way down by the coast... ?
Women = chattel.
Taliban checkpoints. Terrifying.

I've always expected the worst from those folks.

Doesn't this stuff fall afoul of the interstate commerce clause?

George Takei :verified: πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ––πŸ½ @georgetakei

People said we were being alarmist when we said extremist Christian nationalists would use the abortion laws to target women trying to escape Texas to receive an abortion.

I live in a state that will hunt you down if you try to help a woman receive healthcare. Nuts, evil and real all at once. #abortionishealthcare #texasisastainonamerica
Stupid court bait. If it was even remotely constitutional (which it isn't) the response would be to withhold all federal highway funds from the state.
TOTAL BULL. What's next? Papers to prove where you are going whenever you leave the house? Fascism.
Wer Radikaler wΓ€hlt, bekommt radikale Politik geliefert. SchΓΆnreden, verharmlosen und relativieren kann man natΓΌrlich machen. Dann aber lΓΌgt man sich in die eigene Tasche. Und danach ist es zu spΓ€t.

The GOP's anti-reproductive rights laws target black and hispanic women the most.

Republican billionaire donors know that black and brown women don't vote GOP & there's nothing like an unplanned pregnancy to derail a woman's life.

So much of their behavior is reminiscent of the Fugitive Slave Acts.

Republican billionaire donors want to repeal the 19th and thwart the passage of the ERA.

Wow, this is unreal.
β€œLand of the free”, right? πŸ˜•
Jesus Christ what a shithole country.
this is unbelievable. The dystopia is becoming a reality.

These laws will be struck down by SCOTUS. But the fact they'll ever be in place is the scariest shit that's happened in this country in decades.

Time for a revolution

won't be suprised if red states ban thier people from traveling to blue states
Remember that video about closing off the highways? It’s happening…
Texas is going fully Fascist. Get out while you can!
New Mexico welcomes Texans needing reproductive healthcare. Keep the roads open!
We just moved from Texas to New Mexico 6 weeks ago. I have a 15yo daughter, and I want her to grow up somewhere where women have rights. I'm breathing a sigh of relief right now.
πŸ₯₯ A reminder that #Canadian author #MargaretAtwood's book The Handmaid's Tale was based on info she had in 1985 when it was published.
Even then the outlines of a patriarchal, white supremacist, totalitarian regime were visible to those who were paying attention.
In the book it was known as the Republic of #Gilead, today it's the Republic of #Texas.
(Now available as a TV show on Hulu.)
The #AmericanTaliban is ready today to do whatever they think they can get away with. πŸ₯₯
Surely your #federal #government has a responsibility and right to ensure that people can use interstate highways freely?
Maybe Texas's status as a state could be revoked and the resulting territory could be broken up and assigned to adjacent states? Just suggesting....
reality slaps them in the face.
- There is no hell deep enuf for these reptiles. And as long as there’s a radicalized Supreme Court, there may be no legal way to stop em. Other than for Texans to vote em out, of course.
I am observing the slow train crash ending in a civil war apocalypse wirg bemusement, amusement and a sense of regret for the few normal people in the USA.
You guys need to act, before you wish you had someone as sane, stable and liberal thinking as Trump.
Cos your trajectory is making Hitler look like ein Milchbube...
what the actual fuck 😠
women who "look pregnant" gonna just have to stay home i guess
I'm going to call them Gilead towns and counties, because that's exactly what they are.
Idaho had the same problems. OB/GYN's have left Idaho and across the border in Wash. State our clinics are full of Idaho women seeking aide from us and we don't tell anyone in Idaho.
The "brave" certainly are NOT the "free" anymore.
So, the proper thing is to use those highways for the express purpose of leaving Texas and never returning.
I hope the people living in Texas take action against the extremists harming women’s health soon. It’s beyond time!
When the actual hell is the left going to do this to prevent people from circumventing state gun laws by buying guns out of state!?
American taliban is going to taliban just like their afghani cousins. People seems to be surprised of this fact.
what's wrong with these people
How do these yahoos intend to enforce this? Randomly stopping cars on the Interstate violates Federal law.
Luckily, just because a law is passed doesn't mean it's legal, and I can't see such a law not being shot down with prejudice.
sounds like the Handmaiden’s Tale is coming to fruition. It’s amazing and in this case, chilling, how often fiction becomes fact.

"christian" nationalists are domestic terrorists hiding behind a perverse version of "chrIstianity".

History is full of "christian" hostility. It needs to be stopped.

Institutional religion is the silent monster. It is not your friend.
why is the USA always trying to go backwards?
Maybe they should focus on some of the fake news, like the electrical grid, flooding, or mass murder. But that would require them to have actual life skills. Hopefully we at least get some art out of this repression, like Riverdance or most of the genres of music.

Once Roe was overturned, I didn't hear a lot of people who didn't understand that it was about to get a lot worse.

It's unfortunate people didn't have that sense of urgency on 11/9/2016

guess they will have to take the back alleys to get there.
How the hell do they plan to enforce this? Random stops and on the spot pregnancy tests?
Through social shaming and violent dog whistles against family members. Like Nazis usually do.
perfectly okay to fly though
Abortions for the rich only...
Seems like nothing less than a campaign to make slavery legal again to me.
Ian Molton  
 — (Cheshire, UK)

You are DANGEROUSLY wrong. (edit - ie. if you believe they will only follow legal channels)

Again, think Nazis.

They will make a big show of trying to pass laws that "those demo-commie-crats" will block, then cry about how oppressed they "feel" about it, and then will use that to rouse their rabble. That's the publicity angle covered.

They have *ZERO* interest in *actually* passing laws about this (except where its easy / they get lucky).

They just want to incite their followers, who do things like:

* Report women leaving their homes (Tracking)
* Follow them (Intimidation)
* "protest" (read: violently assault women and workers) at clinics. (deny access)

Which part of that requires new laws?

Well, You seemed arguing about "actual legal enforcement", which is something that I don't actually believe does (or even can) exist. At not if one believes in human rights.

I replied to you by saying that there is no such thing as legal enforcement of laws that violate human rights.

Your initial question, however, was "How do they plan to enforce this?" Which I believe I have just answered.

looks at their attempt to truly make Texas Gilead 😑

Is that actually obstructing interstate commerce? Not that SCOTUS necessarily would agree.

What the WTO calls β€œmode 4 of service provision, natural person moves abroad to receive the service”?

To all women in Texas, stop have intercourse, then they will reconsider or maybe then they even pass a law that make you unable to refuse...