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The people who own X are sentencing people to death based on their posts.

#x #twitter #musk #saudiArabia

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Picture a Saudi Prince drawing a little ‘X’ on his critics…

Dear @EU_Commission,

If I own a social media network and sentence some of the people who post on it to death, will I be allowed to keep operating in the EU?

Asking for Twitter/X and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

#twitter #x #saudi #saudiArabia #eu #humanRights


Yesterday the Dutch investigative journalism program "Zembla" went into the Twitter/X violent hate that politicians and journalists (who stubbornly still use it) receive.

Well-known fact that the (now open) algorithms are designed to amplify hate for monetary reasons.

Zembla tried to contact X. Guess what: they have an email auto-responder returning a huge 💩 emoji. They cannot be reached by phone. And they have a 'virtual office' in the Netherlands. A post box, that is 🤯

@EU_Commission Clearly goes to show that being in exile for political views exposes family to significant risks and on that basis the family should be granted asylum. Important to note that just because it may be lawful in Saudi, it doesn't make it morally right, necessarily.

You own a social media network ( that operates in the EU and will therefore become subject to #ChatControl (like Apple, making its withdrawal from scanning devices obsolete). Will you close your network once ChatControl becomes law?

Endspurt zur Chatkontrolle: In den nächsten Wochen entscheiden Politiker in Brüssel und den EU-Staaten über die Zukunft privater Kommunikation im Internet. Der Rat will seine Position noch im September beschließen, das Parlament im Oktober.

@Life_is - That’s not my own social network, that’s my own Mastodon instance of one. It’s non-commercial and thus out of scope even under the current Chat Control draft legislation.

- Chat Control is not a done deal. Folks are fighting it.

- We are building the Small Web and Small Web places should also be out of scope even if Chat Control passes and even if they’re somehow deemed not out of scope, we would not be adding any feature that compromises people’s human rights.

@Life_is We left our homes because of what we believe in, I won’t be compromising our values or the integrity of what we’re building for any unjust laws. Unjust laws are made to be broken. And if we need to break them, we will. Here’s hoping it doesn’t have to come to that.

„Folks are fighting it.“: Folks were fighting Article13/17. There were protests attended by thousands (Youtubers said it were millions). People wrote mails to MEPs.

I have been at a number of protests against ChatControl. There were the organizers of the events and some members of citizen rights groups. But that was it. Folks are not fighting ChatControl.

Small providers may not need to comply as quick with chatcontrol rules, but are not exempt from it.

what a bizarre conclusion?

How is X or Twitter sentencing people to death???

The people themselves post it there. No one else does.

The oppressive regimes sentence them. No one else does.

If someone writes something on my instance that get's them a death sentence in some backward country it is my fault?

I am sorry, I am saying this with al due respect but I really think you have lost the plot completely.

You can hate big-tech all you want, but your reasoning here is just insane.

@mark Your inability to click links and comprehend the contents of the articles they point to doesn’t mean I’m insane.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest investor in Twitter/X after Elon Musk. They own a huge chunk of Twitter/X. They’re sentencing a person to death based on what they wrote on the platform they own.

If you still can’t understand that, please kindly fuck off instead of slinging ad hominem attacks at me.


@mark All that is true, but there's no evidence that they did anything other look at his (public?) posts. The could (and do) that on any social network that they can read.

While I don't like the leaders or the fact that they put so much money in the platform (and the platform can die for all I care), I doubt they needed to do much digging to find out the details of the user, or am I wrong?

people who own what now? ;)

There's a bit chance the guy is on a list regarding his brother's activities.

I mean, don't want to defend twitter here but there are a lot of ways to monitor someone's phone or computer in any country when you're on a government list.

Uh, killing people who do not agree seems to be a Saudi go to point. Remember the Journalist they hacked to death in the US?
“But, but, but, Elon is a sole defender of free speech worldwide, this is a lie” - Musk Superfan troglodyte probably
it's actually Monarchy/Capitalism.
That said... I think $1.89bn is a pretty good deal of it means you can call musk "Chief Twit"...