Matthew reshared this.
I've just flashed my BIOS, and my BIOS went:
"Ew... cover yourself up, will ya!"
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
@pixelfed Portfolio and Profile views make great ways to see artworks.
#Halloween #Cvkvlv #CvkvlvBeadwork #Mvskoke #Native #Indigenous #NativeAmerican #Beadwork #Jewelry #Earrings #Handmade #IndigenousCreatives
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
I forgot Disney File Digital Copy exist.. anyone who have ever used it, was it any good? I doubt it still works but stuff like this interests me
Little ironic..
ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
Unhelpful error message - suggest IPv6 test?
Hi folks,
I was a bit baffled by an error from friendica (which appeared to otherwise be working), complaining that .well-known/host-meta was not accessible, and that this was a "severe" problem.
BUT - clicking the link in the error resulted in seeing the host-meta downloaded.
After a bit of head scratching (I've recently moved to nginx), I figured it out.
My local internet has only IPv4 connectivity - so it worked. My nginx was misconfigured, and has been ignoring requests on IPv6.
Can I suggest that the Admin panel add an additional test for ip4 and ip6 connectivity, so that admins can be warned?
Additionally, the message about host-meta might be reworded to include a hint to check IP6 connectivity or something.
TTFN, have fun folks,
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
@Ian Molton This feels a little too low-level an issue for Friendica to warn admins about.
I’m not even even sure we have information from the PHP script to even show the relevant warning message.
Ian Molton likes this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
I think just adding a comment to the existing error message like
"this error may be caused by incorrect DNS configuration, lack of ipv4 or 6 connectivity, or take to enable ipv6 on the webserver"
Would be sufficient. A DNS check would be a nice addition though.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Just discovered that Out From Under by Britney Spears is actually a cover and the original is by Joanna Pacitti. The more you know...
Out from Under
Provided to YouTube by JiveOut from Under · Britney SpearsCircus (Deluxe Version)℗ 2008 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music EntertainmentReleased on: 2008-...YouTube
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Matthew reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
If reading about your favorite character getting a disability causes you to rage about how that is "bad" and "terrible writing" and "ridiculous" and "better not continue to be a thing," then I'd like to inform you that you are an ableist asshole.
No, I will not be taking questions at this time.
P.S. I want more disabled rep, so yes, more disabled people are going to be shown existing as people and THRIVING, so if you hate that for whatever reason, then I really need you to:
1. Go away. There's a whole Internet for you to explore.
2. Reassess why you find disabled people existing and thriving as so threatening.
3. Anyone can become disabled at anytime - including you - deal with it. Maybe learn empathy and care instead of hostility.
reshared this
Matthew reshared this.
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
It's hard to descrbe what it was like when Google first launched and started to get traction among tech heads. People don't talk about it, how pervasive it was. It was suddenly *everywhere* and omg tech heads the world over were jizzing themselves over all the "Free" software and services. "Their motto is "Dont Be Evil"!", they'd tell you, empty eyes shining. You couldn't move on the internet without someone breathlessly touting Gmail or Chrome or Google Docs or The Google Pack at you, or describing how vast the Google server estate was, even. Ping tests? "If you can't reach the [rock-solid] (your tech nerd knew the IP address by heart) your computer is the problem." When Chrome launched it gained a higher browser share *in one day* than Opera had gained in its entire lifetime (was at version 8, I believe). It ignited the Browser Speed Test wars. ACID3 compatilbility was suddenly make or break for browsing. Somehow, it *mattered*. And so on. And here we are 20+ years later seeing the end result of all that early "generosity". A browser and company heading ever deeper into dystopian waters day by day, and threatening to take the entire web with it. Nothing is safe because of all the power tech heads handed them on a silver platter, with a blow job on the side. The power Microsoft *took*, Google was given freely. If I could go back in time and slap every slavering tech head who suddenly climbed up Google's rear without stopping to consider consequences, I would. Disclaimer: no, I was never one of those guys. Chrome has always been shit, and Google a Cult. #FuckGoogle
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
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Matthew reshared this.
PSA for anyone with a vagina: use lube.
I don't care how theoretically self-lubricating it is. The body's own lubrication system is just about acceptable for not-uncomfortable sex with a bio-penis covered in precum.
And even if you're doing that, specifically, you'll probably benefit from a bit of lube.
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
Excellent call with presentations on #Fediverse #testing this morning hosted by the W3C SWICG.
Here's what I presented:
and a larger text document with more details here:
/cc @activitypubtestsuite
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
Mastodon is preparing changes to allow searches of public posts, and a decision has been made to make the condition for allowing it a "discoverble" for accounts.
I have an opinion on this but discussion is not allowed.
If users want to keep their searches restricted as before, the server administrator should recommend that users turn off the "discoverble" setting.
Doing so will result in more users disappearing from directory and account searches.
Add new public status index by jsgoldstein · Pull Request #26344 · mastodon/mastodon
This is a follow up to #25951 The idea here is to allow public posts by discoverable users to show up in search results. This is done by adding a new Public Status Index to Elastic Search. A status...GitHub
Matthew (Alt) reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
I don't know who needs to hear this (no, really, I don't) but I'm building a new and completely from-scratch fedi microblogging server in C Sharp. I would very much like to have more help. It's early days, but the general thesis for the project is to have a better admin and moderator experience than mastodon. It's called #Letterbook.
If you wanted to help build the fediverse, but working with Ruby and/or the Mastodon core team wasn't appealing, this might be a better fit, and we should chat.
reshared this
Matthew reshared this.
So for blind Windows users, what mail client do you use? I'm kinda getting tired of Gmail, having to hear lots of stuff before each message, and having to turn on browse mode and arrow through all that to get to the message, all that. And Thunderbird is messy in 115. I might have to just get used to Outlook.
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Robert Kingett reshared this.
Matthew reshared this.
[Sway] another nord rice
- Distro: arch
- Wm: sway
- Terminal: alacritty
- Bar: waybar
- Launcher: rofi
- Prompt: starship
- Shell: zsh
Dots: here :)
GitHub - comalnik/dotfiles at nord
My wayland arch linux dotfiles. Contribute to comalnik/dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Unixporn reshared this.
evidence points to "Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements" being a "backronym", an abbreviation that was invented after the word was already in usage – have you ever heard anyone calling an american or european car a "rice"?
anyway, happily the c/unixporn moderator didn't agree that it's possible for people not targeted by a racist term to reclaim it for themselves, and that it's not the responsibility of folks pointing out a word's bigoted history to find an alternative, and racist terminology is now banned 😌
Unixporn reshared this.
Matthew (Alt)
Content warning: Twitter/X
I don't want to police people of what platfrom they use or sound like a broken record but please ditch Twitter as soon as possible! It's no longer safe and it has gone downhill since Elon took ownership of Twitter. At the state of Twitter is now, I just know it's going to shut down but that would be years to come.
Fediverse is far from being unproblematic as others on here like to ambit but it is definitely better than Twitter. Most instance cares a lot about user's safety and take pride of doing so.