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neat house!
I wonder how they did the gas... My guess is in a column of water

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Yep, I was going to say almost no one said they were gay either though some came out later. Schools encourage conformity, always have, so the fact that young people are being more open about this is quite something.
I came out at school (as bisexual as that was what I thought at the time). I was the first though...

The reason they are not text is that they are screenshots, you can't post tumblr posts to friendica so i am posting screenshots.

Makes sense. Was just a heads up - people on fedi are much better about alt text.

I'm trying to do better.

You should ask Grandad if he is willing to take you Potholing (I'll come too).

Its really fun. (hard work though)

nailed it.

Teachers love and/or hate me for my autistic swag

Really highlights the point that either extreme of weight is unhealthy, but being extremely underweight will kill you faster.

The importance of accepting kids' size

There's a lot I could write but I'd just be re-stating what's in the article which has a lot of important information. Fat is a symptom not a cause of bad health. The "war on fat" has made people fatter.

I read a book that said very similar ten years ago but not much as changed so clearly we need someone to try again.

RincentVanUggh reshared this.

Test shot for a 3D printed fractal tree.
3D printed cauliflower! How does it taste?
@eric Tastes like photo sensitive resin...
fun how it resembles cauliflower.

This is a good video that gives an overview of the health effects of coffee. This video essentially concludes that coffee is healthy, as long as it doesn't keep you up at night. I've also heard this from other sources, but the idea that coffee is bad for health is quite pervasive still.
I'd like to know more about caffeine with ADHD people, and stimulants generally, particularly because a lot of ADHDers (including myself) find coffee makes them sleepy/calm rather than restless and energised. Like what is going on there?
I have heard to avoid caffeine if you struggle with fatigue but again, maybe that's only if you have the typical reaction of feeling energised. The book why we sleep does acknowledge that there's a minority of the population that can sleep well despite caffeine. I *think* that's me but who knows, maybe sleep is affected even if I can keep sleeping?

Hahaha yes!


Basically ADHD people are wizards who were never taught how to control their powers.

That or we have a god damn magic infestation.

ADHD is like, you get randomly teleported forward in time by anywhere from 30 seconds to 12 hours, and your house is full of portals

ADHD is like, you get randomly teleported forward in time by anywhere from 30 seconds to 12 hours, and your house is full of portals

Lyndsay Barwell reshared this.

Makes intuitive sense, since meat animals are fed on plants anyway, meat has all the impacts of plants, plus bonus unique animal impacts (somewhat negated by the fact that plants fed to animals are often essentially waste/bi-product of farming plants for humans).
A lot of people say things like "oh I would go vegetarian/vegan, but x!" for example "I would go vegetarian, but bacon!" to which I think, "okay then, go vegetarian, except for bacon. sounds simple enough, and far better than doing nothing." going cold-turkey (pun?) on meat can be daunting, so if that is what's holding you back, find something else that works for you, cutting out a particular animal product, or doing something like "meatless Mondays" or having no set structure to it, just trying out more vege/vegan food when you can. It is clear at this point that the way meat is currently consumed in our society is unsustainable and unethical, so any reduction on that front is good.

The research showed that vegan diets resulted in 75% less climate-heating emissions, water pollution and land use than diets in which more than 100g of meat a day was eaten. Vegan diets also cut the destruction of wildlife by 66% and water use by 54%, the study found.

It turned out that what was eaten was far more important in terms of environmental impacts than where and how it was produced.

#ClimateChange #veganism #vegan #water

Yes, we keep showing this and yet some people will deny it forever. I learned this in grade 10 when we did ecology and learned about food chains and how little energy from grass is stored at the top of the food chain. There was a time when we could say, "but it doesn't take resources to grow grass" but nowadays there just isn't the space for biodiverse grassland that also grow enough animals for us.