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alastair87 and Kacey reshared this.
Kacey reshared this.
White disabled people raised in the pride movement do not get to be the only narrative of disability. Yes, actually, imperialist war and capitalism that poisons the earth in such a way that it causes human suffering is bad, even if those lives are still worth living. You can't excuse debility through pride.
You can affirm disabled life without excusing imperial violence. You cannot describe imperial violence without showing debilitated lives.
Kacey reshared this.
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ImmedicableME and Kacey reshared this.
Nothing in the New Testament against it.
Nothing in the Old Testament against it .
And there are whole laws in the Torah about when Abortion must be used to save the life of the mother .
They just want to endlessly grind out white babies
Republicans lie, and cheat.
Americans dont want cops checking skirts, Americans didnt ask for Supreme Court Nominees to lie during vetting about abortion, Americans dont want Florida to stop hundreds of thousands from voting, but Republicans cheat.
But Republicans cheat.
You cant just vote for rights, you have to remove the rights hating cheaters.
Marvel VFX Workers Vote To Unionize At Disney, Setting Industry-Changing Precedent
In the face of difficult working conditions, Marvel's VFX workers are taking steps to properly unionize, which makes a Hollywood first.Andy Behbakht (Screen Rant)
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Arnaught, Matthew, alastair87, Jeremy Mallin, MacropodCarer: Verified 🌈🦘🦣 and Kacey reshared this.
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Kacey, Craig Mcgee and nerkles 🌶️🧠 reshared this.
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Ian Molton likes this.
ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.
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Cetraria, Bluedotmo, Enzyme appreciator, Ian Molton, Matthew, ScottinSoCal 🇺🇦 🕊 🏳🌈, SilenceisGolden, Elyse M Grasso, RincentVanUggh and GreyBird like this.
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Kacey’s Meme Account, Matthew, ScottinSoCal 🇺🇦 🕊 🏳🌈, Just call me Ash, Elyse M Grasso and GreyBird reshared this.
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Ian Molton, Aus, Panda | 판다 and ~em~ like this.
FDA policy allowing more gay and bisexual men to donate blood goes into effect
In a victory for LGBTQ rights, a broad swath of the U.S. population of gay and bisexual men on Monday became newly eligible to donate blood.Benjamin Ryan (NBC News)
There were Doctors and Authors in the 80's and 90s who wrote extensively on the AIDS epidemic and how it was used to target the LGBTQ community. Many of the Doctors with this view were harassed by the State and Federal Government for their views and have since committed suicide.
Full Disclosure: The Truth About the AIDS Epidemic
"Full Disclosure" is an account of why and how the AIDS…Goodreads
Bc it's not just MAGAts who continue to inflict their hetero hegemony over the world's ~20% not sexually oriented str8, but
even those who consider themselves liberal but live such egomaniacally unexamined lives that they are unable to empathize w/ damage they themselves cause others
My str8 brother who would prob vote for my gay, yet not self-evident rights to marry once told me I couldn't have a gay roommate at his ranch bc he said the septic system wasn't built for two people
still not allowed in Finland - there's a 4 month period you're not allowed to donate blood here if you've had sex between men.
This means gay men in stable relationships are not allowed to donate.
Former DEATH & CYNIC Drummer Sean Reinert Not Allowed To Donate Organs After Death Due To Sexual Orientation
Former Death and Cynic drummer Sean Reinert was not allowed to donate organs after his death, Jan. 24, due to the fact he was a sexually active homosexual, according to a Facebook post written by his husband.Metal Injection
Kacey reshared this.
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Kacey, ImmedicableME, Amélie and Matthew reshared this.
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Lars Wirzenius reshared this.
wowitsverycool reshared this.
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Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.
Careful what badge you were when traveling too. This is one my personal experience: https://gizmonaut.net/blog/travel/i_am_not_a_terrorist_please_let_me_travel.html
And of course humour is dangerous: https://gizmonaut.net/blog/uk/in_the_times_in_which_we_live_humour_is_criminal.html
I went to the cinema in London yesterday and the cinema staff were checking bags. I asked why and they said looking for items that are dangerous. I wonder what training cinema staff gets for bag checking!
Reality is so much more incredible than fiction.
Ian Molton likes this.
Kacey reshared this.
AIMS-2-Trials is launching #EAGER (European #Autism #GEnomics Registry) to recruit 1,500. This is lead by King’s College.
They 'discussed autistic community concerns and risks associated with genetic research and data sharing via the Autism Sharing Initiative.’ which ‘is lead by Dean Hartley, Senior Director of Discovery and Translational Science at Autism Speaks.’ Seriously?
(AIMS-2-Trials grant agreement: https://gizmonaut.net/autism-documents/)
Kacey reshared this.
ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.
What have we been saying all along?!
Screen time and diagnoses of anxiety and depression in autistic versus neurotypical youth.
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MikeyNeurodivergent and Ian Molton like this.
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actuallyadhd group and laurocerasus :autism: reshared this.
ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.
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Inken Paper 🇵🇸, J. R. DePriest :verified_trans: :donor: :Moopsy: :EA DATA. SF:, gumbyscout, vi, james and Kisse 🔞 like this.
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actuallyadhd group, Inken Paper 🇵🇸 and J. R. DePriest :verified_trans: :donor: :Moopsy: :EA DATA. SF: reshared this.
It's still terrible news that this was even up for debate in the first place.
"an image showing a silhouette of Michigan in the colors of the pride flag. At the bottom it says: BREAKING NEWS: Michigan bans 'conversion therapy'"
Ian Molton likes this.
Kacey reshared this.
If the US government really had alien bodies, then the US president would know about it.
If the US president knew about it, then Trump would know about it.
If Trump knew about it, he would have told everyone, bragged about, kept boxes of documents about it at Mar-A-Lago, etc. There would be a ketchup stained original photograph of an alien autopsy on the floor of his bathroom.
Since we haven't heard him brag about having seen a photo of an alien, we know that he hasn't seen one.
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Kacey and hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1 like this.
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Another Angry Woman, Lars Wirzenius and Kacey reshared this.
The whole idea of Aliens landing on Earth is stupid.
Who, with a bigger brain, and better tech would look at this place and think, "yeah, I need to get down into that"???
It would be like asking someone why they jumped into raw sewage, instead of assuming they were pushed.
Even if they wanted to move in and take Earth's resources, it wouldn't be a subtle infiltration with the chance for a plucky band of misfits to bring the whole thing down; they'd just nuke the site from orbit.
@nuncio @geobeck @BigMcLargeHuge
As a kid, I was terrified of the idea of intelligent alien life finding us while we're at this stage of barbarity.
Because as violent and self-destructive as humans are, no intelligent species could ever let us off this planet. That would be irresponsible.
They'd observe us, and if we ever got close to developing interstellar tech? They'd... have to decide what to do about us.
One option would be for them to wait us out. We might be... self-cleaning.😐
That's why I've always wondered if, out beyong the Ort Cloud, we're surrounded by the outer space version of orange warning cones, y'know? ⚠️🤪
JR Buckley 🏳️🌈⚛️ reshared this.
@cstross While this is very fair, it is also highly plausible that the first thing Trump would have said on taking office would have been "tell me where the aliens are" and then they'd have probably had to show him in plain terms...
And then of course, he'd have tweeted "Saw four aliens in a crash . Vehicle was seriously mangled and crushed their heads. Sad!"
Another Angry Woman reshared this.
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nerkles 🌶️🧠, Baldur Bjarnason and Kacey reshared this.
Sinéad O'Connor - Lullaby For Cain - Lyrics (From The Talented Mr Ripley)
This song is the soundtrack from the (amazing) movie The Talented Mr Ripley with Matt Damon, Jude Law, Gwineth Paltrow and many others. I do not own anything...YouTube
Allyson McCabe gave a great interview with Sarah Marshall
Sinéad O'Connor with Allyson McCabe - You're Wrong About
This week, we fight the real enemy with Allyson McCabe. Here's where to find Allyson online here.You can find Allyson's book Why Sinéad O'Connor Matters here. Support us:Bonus Episodes on PatreonDonate on PaypalYou're Wrong About Spring TourB...Buzzsprout
I bought the latest Big Issue yesterday; hadn't bought one in months. Today I flip through the pages and there's a one-page summary of a documentary about her. Another chilling coincidence.
How Sinéad O’Connor risked it all to speak truth to power – and inspired a new generation - The Big Issue
Sinéad O’Connor has died aged 56. She risked it all to highlight injustice, says Kathryn Ferguson, who has made a film about her lifeLaura Kelly (The Big Issue)
You're Wrong About: Sinéad O'Connor with Allyson McCabe on Apple Podcasts
Show You're Wrong About, Ep Sinéad O'Connor with Allyson McCabe - Apr 10, 2023Apple Podcasts
We never won't miss her.....
And the world should never stop apologizing to her
absolutely tragic loss.
(Part of me wonders: if only, for example, they’d given you a Piers Morgan book…)
Really truly shattered about Sinéad though. 😭
ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.
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Kacey’s Meme Account and actuallyadhd group reshared this.
Kacey reshared this.
DNS stuff... Help with DS record?
Hey, anyone here know a reasonably priced DNS registrar that I could move my domains to?
Fasthosts seem unable / unwilling to host a DS record.
I need to host two org.uk. and three co.uk. domains, which presently cost ~12 for 24 months or so.
Would prefer (and pay slightly(!) more for) an ethical company, but cheaper is better overall, Im not made of money :)
Answers on a postcard?
Plz boost!
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Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.
Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.
Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.
Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.
Kacey reshared this.
Research Request:
Sandro is a NB Trainee Clinical Psychologist working at university of Hertfordshire. They are recruiting NB and trans participants aged 18-30y for research around sexuality and relationships.
Email s.voi@herts.ac.uk or IG @trans_and_nb_research
Kacey reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
@Friendica Support something really odd is going on with my meme account (memes@social.weyr.org.uk).
If I write a public post and tag the account, it sets the post to private every time and so the reshare doesn’t work.
If I write a public post, switch users and then reshare, then nothing happens.
Any ideas?
Friendica Support reshared this.
Apparently this makes no sense.
The first part seems to have rectified itself for me but not for others?
For the second issue I can post publicly on this account, but the meme account isn’t able to share it.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
I’m writing posts from this account.
I’ve been tagging @Kacey’s Meme Account and/or attempting to reshare directly from that account.
Friendica Support reshared this.
@Kacey What tag character do you use? @
or !
Are you tagging in the post body or in the permissions selector?
I can see a few reshares on the meme account feed of posts without mentions, when did you try these?
Friendica Support reshared this.
It seems to have started working again when *I* use @ tags, but it still isn't working from other people's accounts. I'll attach screenshots below of a post that @Ian Molton tagged the meme account in, as viewed from my account and the meme account.
As you can see, only the text is being shared, the image disappears.
Friendica Support reshared this.
@Kacey @Ian Molton Here's the HTML of the original post:
Test <bdi>@<a href="https://social.weyr.org.uk/profile/memes" class="userinfo mention" title="Kacey’s Meme Account">Kacey’s Meme Account</a></bdi>
<div class="body-attach">
<a data-fancybox="1892014" href="https://social.weyr.org.uk/photo/613732607764bc3507d5126748313036-0.png"><img src="https://social.weyr.org.uk/photo/preview/1024/109113" alt="" title=""></a>
When I access the URL https://social.weyr.org.uk/photo/preview/1024/109113 , it says "Not Found".
When I access the URL https://social.weyr.org.uk/photo/613732607764bc3507d5126748313036-0.png , it also says "Not Found".
So I'm not surprised the image doesn't show when it's reshared as well. I don't have an explanation for why the image doesn't appear.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
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Josh Susser, Oli and Kacey reshared this.
Kacey reshared this.
The big idea: Why the laws of physics will never explain the universe
We should think of the cosmos as more like an animal than a machineGuardian staff reporter (The Guardian)
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Lars Wirzenius, Astro Migration, Joelle and Kacey reshared this.
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Gabbo the wafrn guy, Kevin Russell, Matthew and Kacey reshared this.
elon really is one hell of a dens motherfucker isn't he.....
He is absolutely destroying is own platform.
Not long now before everyone leaves.
What a joke he is
The sad thing is people would still be on it until Twitter/X have discontinued
MacropodCarer: Verified 🌈🦘🦣 reshared this.
•Mah Tesla truck gone done me wrong
It drove off taking mah wife along
I wouldn't mind but the dawg went too
And so I sing mah song to you
Ian Molton likes this.
Nigel Purchase reshared this.
Nigel Purchase reshared this.
•Mah Tesla truck & car were a pair
Or so I thought, they were having an affair
The litter of tiny trucks was quite cute
But they got oil on mah best damn suit
Ian Molton