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Kacey reshared this.

With the rise of self-driving vehicles, it's only a matter of time before we get a country song where a guy's truck leaves him too.

Nigel Purchase reshared this.

MacropodCarer: Verified 🌈🦘🦣 reshared this.

Mah Tesla truck gone done me wrong

It drove off taking mah wife along

I wouldn't mind but the dawg went too

And so I sing mah song to you

Nigel Purchase reshared this.

Nigel Purchase reshared this.

Mah Tesla truck & car were a pair

Or so I thought, they were having an affair

The litter of tiny trucks was quite cute

But they got oil on mah best damn suit

Kacey reshared this.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Kacey reshared this.

White disabled people raised in the pride movement do not get to be the only narrative of disability. Yes, actually, imperialist war and capitalism that poisons the earth in such a way that it causes human suffering is bad, even if those lives are still worth living. You can't excuse debility through pride.

You can affirm disabled life without excusing imperial violence. You cannot describe imperial violence without showing debilitated lives.

Kacey reshared this.

Kacey reshared this.

In the red states of Kansas, Kentucky, Montana and Ohio, where the people have had a chance to vote statewide, abortion rights have won out. This is a loser issue for the GOP and a galvanizing one for Democrats everywhere.

reshared this

Please don't put the cart before the horse in Ohio. What happened on Tuesday was that an effort by Republican state lawmakers to make it harder to amend the constitution via ballot measures failed. While this was motivated on their part to stop a ballot measure protecting abortion rights, we still actually have to pass that in November. In the words of The West Wing, don't tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing.

Kacey reshared this.

Alt text isn't just helpful for the sight-impaired. By reading alt text I can identify what the OP is calling attention to in the pic, helping me get the joke or social commentary that would otherwise be illegible to me. (Without this I'm like, I see a thousand details and I don't know which one matters to you.) #ActuallyAutistic

so, propaganda, and verifyable sources. and the original poster cant even see the stupidity in what he's just said?

It's not stupidity.

It's selfishness.

I think one of my highlights of Autscape this year was hosting an atypical relationships discussion group where so many people turned up, we had to move it to the chapel in a Christian conference centre 😈😈😈

Kacey reshared this.

I honestly don’t understand why it had taken so long for this antiquated and homophobic policy to change.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Kacey reshared this.

@swizzlevixen Indeed — this case still makes me so angry
Australia still hasn't, they just made it so British people can donate again

Kacey reshared this.

Fuck off Google.

Ian Molton doesn't like this.

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If I see one of those, it'll be the last thing I see on YouTube.

Kacey reshared this.

New gender just dropped

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RincentVanUggh reshared this.

reminds me of Fallen London’s character creation options

Lars Wirzenius reshared this.

“What are your pronouns?”

wowitsverycool reshared this.

Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.

Careful what badge you were when traveling too. This is one my personal experience:

And of course humour is dangerous:

I went to the cinema in London yesterday and the cinema staff were checking bags. I asked why and they said looking for items that are dangerous. I wonder what training cinema staff gets for bag checking!

Reality is so much more incredible than fiction.

Kacey reshared this.

AIMS-2-Trials is launching #EAGER (European #Autism #GEnomics Registry) to recruit 1,500. This is lead by King’s College.

They 'discussed autistic community concerns and risks associated with genetic research and data sharing via the Autism Sharing Initiative.’ which ‘is lead by Dean Hartley, Senior Director of Discovery and Translational Science at Autism Speaks.’ Seriously?

(AIMS-2-Trials grant agreement:


Kacey reshared this.


"an image showing a silhouette of Michigan in the colors of the pride flag. At the bottom it says: BREAKING NEWS: Michigan bans 'conversion therapy'"

Kacey reshared this.

If the US government really had alien bodies, then the US president would know about it.

If the US president knew about it, then Trump would know about it.

If Trump knew about it, he would have told everyone, bragged about, kept boxes of documents about it at Mar-A-Lago, etc. There would be a ketchup stained original photograph of an alien autopsy on the floor of his bathroom.

Since we haven't heard him brag about having seen a photo of an alien, we know that he hasn't seen one.


This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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I … have misgivings about this logic? Americans seem to credit the POTUS with near-mystical powers of omniscience over a Federal bureaucracy with nearly 3 million civil servants, never mind the military, security, and other bureaucracies. I'm pretty sure they can hide ANYTHING in there simply by misfiling it or giving it an unfamiliar name. (It's not the galactic empire in White House briefings from the State Department, it's a "remote non-post-Westphalian state level actor".)

@cstross While this is very fair, it is also highly plausible that the first thing Trump would have said on taking office would have been "tell me where the aliens are" and then they'd have probably had to show him in plain terms...

And then of course, he'd have tweeted "Saw four aliens in a crash . Vehicle was seriously mangled and crushed their heads. Sad!"

Another Angry Woman reshared this.

@stavvers @cstross
[2020, Oval Office. During a dull briefing, Trump has a thought]

"So, are aliens real?"

"Sir, we have been briefing you on them daily for 3 years"

@stavvers True, but i can't help remembering that during the Bush era the US intelligence bureaucracy got so arcane that they had to create another agency—the US Intelligence Community—just to organize liaisons between the nineteen classified agencies who admit to being members of USIC.
@stavvers I have a REALLY BAD willing-suspension-of-disbelief problem with most SF, and especially Space Opera, because the interstellar governments/empires are insanely simple, efficient, streamlined, and lack any semblance of the baroque weirdness and dusty nooks and crannies you'd expect in even a medium-sized city's government.
@cstross Now you mention it, this really does seem like the most fantastic invention of SF, unless it's making a very specific point about bureaucracy, they really do just run like clockwork.
@stavvers I've actually tried writing about the US intelligence services realistically in my own alt-hist SF, but I'm not sure I did the insanity of the US Security State justice.
@stavvers @cstross one of the best things about Andor was the corruption and infighting in the Imperial Security Bureau. The turf wars over who had jurisdiction seemed realistic
@stavvers @cstross Once again, Jupiter Ascending has the most plausible SF bureaucracy in film.
@stavvers @cstross and he'd've probably announced he was building a ceiling. Oh wait
@stavvers @cstross
According to the lore for the 90s sci-fi TV show Dark Skies they only tell some presidents about the Aliens. I can definitely imagine the head of the super-secret Alien Defence Committee just opting not to tell Trump.
@stavvers @cstross Then one of his offspring would have been sent there to negotiate a deal for a hotel, casino, and golf course.
@stavvers @cstross I'm afraid I think this postulates a curiousity on Trump's part that I doubt existed.

Kacey reshared this.

I went to sign some books at Woodstock's The Golden Notebook bookshop today and they gave me this book as a thank you. Two hours later her death was announced.

reshared this

I had a similar experience, I tagged her page to share a 1998 news clip that featured a photo of Sinead showing up at small pub in Boston, and another of my friend and myself together, 2 weeks later Sinead crossed over. RIP Sinead. 🌼 Have you read her book yet?

Kacey reshared this.

DNS stuff... Help with DS record?

Hey, anyone here know a reasonably priced DNS registrar that I could move my domains to?

Fasthosts seem unable / unwilling to host a DS record.

I need to host two and three domains, which presently cost ~12 for 24 months or so.

Would prefer (and pay slightly(!) more for) an ethical company, but cheaper is better overall, Im not made of money :)

Answers on a postcard?

Plz boost!

Kacey reshared this.

Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.

It’s definitely the same person!

Kacey’s Meme Account reshared this.

She'd definitely appreciate my comment about her nose then . . .

Kacey reshared this.

Research Request:

Sandro is a NB Trainee Clinical Psychologist working at university of Hertfordshire. They are recruiting NB and trans participants aged 18-30y for research around sexuality and relationships.

Email or IG @trans_and_nb_research

#TransResearch #TransSurvey

Kacey reshared this.

Friendica Support reshared this.

@Friendica Support something really odd is going on with my meme account (

If I write a public post and tag the account, it sets the post to private every time and so the reshare doesn’t work.

If I write a public post, switch users and then reshare, then nothing happens.

Any ideas?

Friendica Support reshared this.

@Ian Molton @Kacey Then it feels like a photo permission issue, how did you add this picture to your post?

Friendica Support reshared this.

Mine was added in the "browser" drop-down when composing my post, i think. What other way is there?

If Flash and Newgrounds was still a thing, someone would have already made this.

Kacey reshared this.

In numerical terms, this must be one of the biggest corrections ever made by a newspaper.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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elon really is one hell of a dens motherfucker isn't he.....

He is absolutely destroying is own platform.

Not long now before everyone leaves.

What a joke he is

The sad thing is people would still be on it until Twitter/X have discontinued